For regular upgrade command when you just want to upgrade values:
helm upgrade --install artifactory-ha \ --set databaseUpgradeReady=true \ --set postgresql.postgresqlPassword=${POSTGRES_PASSWORD} \ --set postgresql.postgresqlUsername=${POSTGRES_USERNAME} \ -f values-new.yaml \ --namespace artifactory-ha jfrog/artifactory-ha --version 107.21.12
If you want to upgrade the artifactory version but the version does not come default with the current chart version. Note that you must always pass the version explicitly after doing this to avoid falling back to an old version:
helm upgrade --install artifactory-ha \ --set databaseUpgradeReady=true \ --set postgresql.postgresqlPassword=${POSTGRES_PASSWORD} \ --set postgresql.postgresqlUsername=${POSTGRES_USERNAME} \ --set global.versions.artifactory= 7.21.13\ -f values.yaml \ --namespace artifactory-ha jfrog/artifactory-ha --version 107.21.12