For activating Artifactory HA, you must install appropriate licenses.
In this example, we will pass license as a secret:
1. Prepare a text file with the license(s) written in it. If writing multiple licenses (must be in the same file), it's important to put **two new lines between each license block**!
2. Create the Kubernetes secret (assuming the local license file is 'art.lic')
$ kubectl create secret generic artifactory-cluster-license -n artifactory-ha --from-file=./art.lic
# Pass the license to helm helm upgrade --install artifactory-ha --set artifactory.license.secret=artifactory-cluster-license,artifactory.license.dataKey=art.lic
NOTE. This method is relevant for initial deployment only! Once Artifactory is deployed, you should not keep passing these parameters as the license is already persisted into Artifactory's storage (they will be ignored). Updating the license should be done via Artifactory UI or REST API after initial deployment or managed through a license bucket.