Level Up Your Java Container Images @ Bangalore Java User Group Meetup – March 2022

3月 13, 2022

< 1 min read

Level Up Your Java Container Images
This session is a must for any Java developer under the pressure of high-performance expectations and tight deadlines in a cloud-native architecture. To that end, we have learned to make use of a variety of tools and abstractions to help move us along the path to production quickly and effectively. There is a rapidly and continuously evolving ecosystem that sustains the forward march of microservice architectures and their deployments.

Seen also at the Saint Louis Java User Group in May 2021, https://www.youtube.com/embed/60EuP_y7Yvs?start=802

View Slides Here


Melissa McKay

    Melissa McKay

    Melissa is a long-time developer/software engineer turned international speaker and is currently a Developer Advocate on the JFrog Developer relations team, sharing in the mission to improve the developer experience with DevOps methodologies. Her background and experience as a software engineer span a slew of languages, technologies, and tools used in the development and operation of enterprise products and services. She is a mom, Java Champion, Docker Captain, co-author of the upcoming book DevOps Tools for Java Developers, a huge fan of UNconferences, and is always on the lookout for ways to grow and learn. She has spoken at Kubecon, DockerCon, CodeOne, JFokus, Java Dev Day Mexico, the Great International Developer Summit, and is part of the JCrete and JAlba UNconference teams. Given her passion for teaching, sharing, and inspiring fellow practitioners, you are likely to cross paths with her in the conference circuit — both online and off!

    Video Transcript

    cordova well hello everyone
    and welcome to the april 2021 edition
    of the st louis java users group
    st louis java users group is an informal
    group attendance is free we really don’t
    have a formal membership
    list or anything like that our normal
    meeting date is the second thursday of
    every month except december
    and we have no meeting there’s just too
    much going on during the holidays
    for us to be able to schedule a meeting
    due to the pandemic we are meeting
    online until
    further notice but when we do meet in
    we have people come and join us for food
    and social at 6 pm
    and the presentation itself we try to
    start somewhere around 6
    30. when we do meet in person
    our meeting location is in the object
    competing incorporated training
    room at 12 140 woodcrest executive drive
    suite 310 in st louis missouri
    i’d like to introduce everyone to the
    rest of the members of our steering
    so from left to right here we have ted
    todd zimmerman bruce allspaw that’s me
    in the middle
    wait she go and kathy slang
    if you’d like to reach the steering
    committee the best way to do it is to
    send an email to that address there at
    the bottom of the slide
    that’s javasigsc
    ociweb.com because they’re a
    original sponsor of us and it will go to
    all of us on the steering committee if
    you just send to that little
    group address right there
    the st louis java users group would not
    be possible without the support of our
    so our founding sponsor was
    and continues to be object computing
    and they’re based in st louis said they
    the training room and fill in
    like if we might be pizza or maybe a
    last minute or something like that and
    have been doing that
    i believe going back all the way to
    approximately 1997.
    so we’re approaching a 25th anniversary
    here before t1
    jfrog has been very kind because not
    only are they sponsoring
    this zoom account which we are using
    to deliver the presentation to you here
    but they also sponsor the meetup group
    it’s free for you if you want to attend
    one of our meetings some
    meetup and you’ll find us at meetup.com
    gateway chart but it does cost the group
    to be able to have the page on meetup
    and make it available
    and they’ve been trying to cover that
    when we meet in person we have two
    companies that alternate that cover the
    and that signature consultants and
    adaptive solutions group
    so they’re headhunters if you are
    looking for a java position you can just
    look them up on the web
    and tell them that you found out about
    them through the st
    louis java users group and they can help
    you find a position or if you have a
    position that you need to fill
    they would be a good place to start
    at the end of this presentation we will
    be raffling two
    jetbrains licenses yes you must be
    present to win
    sorry if you’re watching the recording
    you’re too late
    but stick around after the presentation
    and we’ll do a
    we’ll do a raffle here online
    when we meet in person elastic
    is sponsoring some gift cards we haven’t
    figured out a way to send those
    electronically they are physically
    plastic cards but when
    when we get out of this pandemic we’ll
    we’ll bring that back for the raffle
    as well as the intertech monkeys
    intertek is a training company
    and they sponsor the famous screaming
    monkeys coffee cups and
    uh mouse pads so forth for the
    for the raffle those screaming flying
    monkeys if you don’t know
    if you’re just watching the recording
    because you’re from
    i don’t know halfway across the world is
    basically they’re just little dolls and
    you pull the string
    when you throw the monkey up against the
    wall it screams
    and they’re a lot of fun we will also be
    raffling at the end of this meeting
    two manning ebooks of
    your choice so that will be at the
    raffle at the end of the show
    and also when we have them uh pearson
    sponsors physical books uh on occasion
    so we really appreciate the support of
    our our sponsors
    now as far as upcoming presentations
    on may 13th we have reactive
    with spring boot and jay hipster by matt
    of octa so
    we just haven’t had a spring boot
    presentation for a while
    and hey micro services
    that’s kind of hot and
    what’s this j hipster so
    yeah when i saw that title i said i
    think i’m going to
    go for it this was one that was
    on the fuji dot io tuber
    that i nabbed from last time because
    somebody didn’t grab it and so he
    accepted here within a few minutes and
    i’m just really happy
    uh to have so
    you can watch meetup.com gateway
    for updates to the presentation schedule
    and location
    so we’re still online uh
    until further notice but just watch the
    meetup group
    it’ll be clearly marked when we go back
    to in person
    i don’t have any special knowledge or
    anything about when that’s going to be
    but if you are interested in giving a
    or sponsoring the job
    just give us an email at javasigsc
    ociweb.com we’re always looking for
    speakers and
    we’ll see what we can do to
    get you worked in here so i believe i
    what i’d like to
    do is to hand things over here for just
    a moment
    before i hand it over here to our
    speaker tonight melissa
    ari i think of j frog has some
    uh some things he’d like to tell us and
    some some raffle items so i’m going to
    click over here to make you a host
    and with great power comes great
    i’ll trust you to take it over and then
    hand it over to melissa so take it away
    i will definitely do that you know bruce
    i just think i figured you out yes
    all the time i’ve known you i i realize
    you are a you mentioned when you said
    the word headhunter earlier about the
    you are you are a headhunter of speakers
    because i said
    the passion behind how you obtain the
    speaker and how you share that
    is something i can tell you you’re a
    natural uh
    at that and uh could probably apply that
    to the technical recruiting space uh
    i used to think about space i would have
    hired you so
    well well well thank you ari uh
    i think i have maybe a different
    perspective on myself and that is i’m a
    total scratch
    when it comes to speakers i just go to
    conferences yeah and i just i’m just
    right up front about it i am totally
    honest i’m here to steal your speaker
    you’re a networker that’s yeah
    and and i don’t want to give too much
    all right thank god okay there’s no this
    is not only on video it’s okay
    this is only on video and it’s only
    going to be broadcast all over the world
    exactly i think i got a connection for
    our 25th anniversary
    there you go no promises
    when you’re ready for
    when you’re ready for a hello world uh
    in java you can just call me because
    that’s that’s
    that’s about the talk i could give but
    uh hey thank you thank you again bruce
    really appreciate it again hi everybody
    um i’m ari waller and i am the meetup
    event manager for jfrog and we are
    really excited to be a sponsor for the
    louis uh jug for yet another year i’ll
    just share a little bit about who we are
    uh jfrog
    is the devops software company founded
    in 2008
    many people in the devops community know
    us best for our flagship product
    artifactory which is written in java and
    which is considered by many to be the
    gold standard for managing your
    artifacts and dependencies
    but here’s something that you may not
    know jfrog has
    a new free cloud version of our software
    available for you to use
    for your projects especially for the
    java meetup community
    and if you’re working with docker as i
    know many of you are
    jfrog’s free tier on the cloud is
    capable of functioning as a pull through
    for docker hub and here’s the best part
    since jfrog has partnered with docker
    you’ll be exempt from any rate limits on
    from free or anonymous accounts so that
    of course can be pretty valuable
    um i’m going to share a slide with you
    let’s see if the let’s see if the
    transfer of hosts worked and it looks
    like it did
    um and i want to tell you about a couple
    other free things that we have going on
    um and that is our annual devops global
    conference swamp up 2021 is coming
    may 25th through 27th in the americas
    and june 1st and through the 3rd
    in emea and jfrog wants you to get in
    for free
    uh here on the slide or ju uh uh on the
    left there just
    um we have a qr code that you can scan
    and i’m gonna drop the link in the chat
    as well
    that automatically fills in a code for a
    free conference day
    now the the second day of the conference
    is free but we have a
    third conference day that does cost
    money but for the st
    louis jug um when you um click on the
    link i’m going to drop or use that
    scan it’s actually going to fill in a
    code which will
    allow you to add the third day which is
    a deep dive tutorial day
    into um which has really in-depth
    two-hour uh demos on lots of different
    products not just jfrog products but a
    ton of different partner products and so
    which should be really really cool so um
    we’d love to have you at that conference
    and last but certainly not in the least
    another bonus for tonight is our raffle
    just for attendees tonight
    jfrog is going to give you a chance to
    enter and win an amazon echo show 5
    or possibly one of the five limited
    edition t-shirts
    that we have if you’ve seen a jfrog
    t-shirt before you already know you want
    one and if you have one you don’t want
    so you can enter with the qr code and
    the bitly link that you see
    and a winner i wish i could do live
    drawings but
    i’ve got compliance items that i have to
    be concerned about through corporate
    etc etc so what i’m gonna do is we do a
    random drawing within two
    days of the meetup and then i contact
    the winner by email
    after i’ve had my correspondence with
    them i will announce the winner to your
    um your meetup community and
    congratulate you on social
    and with that i am going to now turn it
    over to
    um melissa but bruce and team thank you
    so much uh
    really i it you know with all that aside
    what we can really tell is that a lot of
    time and attention
    to the details of your meetup and your
    community are really really important to
    you and that and that
    and that’s really really critical
    especially when you want to put
    something good together
    um and uh i can’t tell you that i know
    the community appreciates it
    but from one who sits in um quite a few
    meetups uh
    every single day in fact i would say
    that you guys
    really really have a knack for this so
    kudos to to all of you and thank you
    very much
    so i’m going to stop sharing here and
    i’m going to turn this
    over to i’m going to turn the hosting
    over to melissa so she can in fact share
    her stuff
    and i keep pushing the wrong button you
    think if i said in enough of these i
    would be able to do this correctly so
    let me just do this correct here
    all right sorry for the delay
    melissa you are now the host
    thank you excellent i’m feeling
    super important right now i’ve got
    all right should be able to see my
    i can see it awesome all right well
    um i’m melissa mckay i’m a developer
    advocate with jfrog
    and i’m super excited to be here to talk
    to you all tonight about containers
    this is a talk i’ve given a few times
    now and i really enjoy it
    i hope you do too and just to set some
    expectations up front
    there is a lot of information about
    docker in this talk
    but this is not a tutorial or a deep
    dive on docker commands or anything like
    there’s already a ton of documentation
    out there already on that
    so when i put this talk together i
    wanted to do something a little bit
    i wanted to do some background research
    and focus more on how we got here
    and get to some answers to some of those
    big why questions
    why we’re even doing any of this my hope
    is that
    after this talk you’ll come away with a
    better understanding of the history
    behind containers
    how they actually work on your system
    and some of what is really going on
    under the covers
    um for those of you that are really
    experienced with containers already
    a lot of this might be review but i
    promise there’s going to be something in
    that you’ll be able to get from from
    this talk there’s a lot of little
    all right
    okay i’m not going to linger on this too
    long because ari’s spoken about this
    already but
    don’t forget to go to this link and to
    fill out
    feedback and enter to win your amazon
    and this is also where i will post
    um for you to refer to later if you like
    um i’ll show this again at the end in
    case you want to grab the link again
    we’re all over that okay
    uh a little bit about where i come from
    my back where
    background in software engineering and
    development um
    i i’ve i’ve been a
    java developer for many many years
    i’ve been a developer in some way shape
    or form now for over 20 years
    so most of my professional experience
    has been in server side development in
    java but i’ve had the privilege of
    working on many different
    teams over the years in a variety of
    different technologies languages
    and different tool sites i started
    speaking a few years ago
    i decided that was something i wanted to
    do more of so i made the jump to
    developer relations with jfrog last
    i just celebrated my year anniversary
    that has been a whole new experience
    especially since
    normally with this position you travel a
    lot and
    we have learned very quickly how to
    enjoy ourselves online with these new
    online conference frameworks
    and it’s it’s actually been a good
    experience for me i’ve met a completely
    different audience a lot of people who
    for one reason or another family
    obligations or work obligations
    i wouldn’t normally see them at a
    so i’ve really enjoyed this experience
    and i hope that
    as we move forward here that that we’re
    going to have a variety of both
    and online stuff that people can attend
    my most recent experience in software
    pushed me into some new territory and
    this was while i
    started working on teams that were
    beginning to practice devops
    and this is when i got the privilege to
    learn more about how the apps i was
    working on
    were actually being deployed and um
    i got a lot of exposure to a variety of
    tools in the devops ecosystem
    which makes you know the move to jfrog
    just perfect
    but anyway it was during this experience
    that i was exposed to
    docker and that’s how i this talk came
    i started collecting information from my
    own experience and
    you know learning how to containerize my
    apps and some of it trial and error
    which we’ll get to talk to you a little
    bit later
    all right um let’s get started we’ll
    begin with a brief history here
    to uh give some background context this
    hopefully won’t be too
    boring but there are some really
    important milestones in the past
    that are good to know to get a better
    understanding of how we got here
    then we’ll take a look at the container
    market and what’s been going on
    there for the last few years and then
    we’ll move into getting a real
    understanding of what
    docker is docker is not synonymous with
    containers it’s also a very overused
    much like kleenex is after that we’ll be
    in an excellent
    place to talk about what a container
    actually is and then we’ll review a few
    common container gotchas
    and last but not least i’ll talk to you
    a little bit about an option
    for managing your container images
    all right a few reasons why i just want
    to show you this list
    um i know if you haven’t considered this
    before and i know that a lot of folks
    aren’t really using containers yet in
    but there are lots of reasons to use
    them outside of production
    the top two are listed here to provide
    consistent development environments for
    your local environments for your
    or also to use in testing or qa
    environments where you can still gauge
    the quality of your application
    with significantly less resources than a
    production environment
    so just keep in mind this isn’t all
    about production deploy
    you can definitely take advantage of
    this methodology and other
    other environments
    all right let’s jump in and start
    learning about containers
    so i’m pretty sure this isn’t the
    graphic that you are expecting
    usually you see a classic shipping
    container photo
    of some shape or form so uh first and
    um one reason that i’m i’m just
    tired of seeing shipping containers on
    every presentation about docker
    or containerization in general so i’ve
    started a rebellion and i’m going with
    the banana theme
    and i hope you’ll enjoy that theme
    throughout this talk on second reason i
    chose this
    is this is really a story about how our
    industry has adapted to dealing with
    limited resources over time
    when i was putting these slides together
    i was reminded of a story that my
    grandfather would repeatedly tell me
    when i was growing up
    surely just to remind me to be grateful
    for what we have today
    when he was a kid he would get a single
    banana once a year
    on christmas and this must have been
    during the 20s and early 30s
    bananas were a rare treat during that
    time for my grandfather’s family
    and none of that banana would go to
    waste in fact he and his siblings would
    scrape the banana peel to get every last
    off because they wouldn’t get another
    one until the next year
    that’s not the most solid analogy but i
    went with it and i liken that story to
    how computing resources were in the
    1960s and 70s
    very limited very expensive and on top
    of that it took forever
    to get anything done often a computer
    would be dedicated for a long period of
    time to a single task
    for a single user
    obviously these limits and on time and
    created some bottlenecks and
    inefficiency and just being able to
    was not enough there needed to be a
    method to share without getting in each
    other’s way
    or having one person inadvertently
    causing an entire system to crash for
    at this need for better strategies and
    sharing compute resources
    actually started a path of innovation
    that we see
    massive benefits from today then there’s
    some key points
    here that i want to share with you that
    brought us to this state that we’re in
    today with containers
    and i’m going to begin this history
    lesson with charut
    charute was born in 1979 during the
    development of the seventh edition
    of unix and was added to bsd the
    berkeley software distribution
    in 1982 being able to change the
    apparent root directory
    for a process and its children which
    teru allows you to do
    results in a bit of isolation in order
    to provide an environment
    for testing a different distribution for
    tarot was a great idea solved some
    specific problems but
    more was needed the jail command was
    introduced by freebsd
    in 2000 jail is more sophisticated than
    true in that its additional features
    help to further isolate file systems
    users and networks
    with the ability and also to assign an
    ip address
    to each jail in 2004
    solaris zones brought us ahead even
    further by giving an
    application full user process and file
    system space
    and access to system hardware solaire
    zones also introduced the idea of being
    able to snapshot
    a system in 2006
    google jumped in there with their
    process containers
    later renamed c groups those center
    isolating and limiting the resource
    usage of a process
    and moving right along in 2008 c groups
    were merged into the linux kernel
    which along with linux namespaces led to
    ibm’s development of linux containers
    2013 was a big year this is when docker
    came on the scene
    bringing their ability to package these
    containers and move them from one
    environment to another
    that same year google open sourced their
    letme container that for you project
    which provided applications the ability
    to create and manage their own sub
    and from here on out we saw the use of
    and specifically docker explode
    um i love this part because
    containers have been around for a long
    time the idea of containers
    this is not new stuff it’s just packaged
    differently and docker took advantage of
    that and
    succeeded in 2014
    doctor chose out chose to swap out their
    use of the lxe
    toolset for launching containers with
    lib container
    in order to utilize a native golang
    that was something new that i didn’t
    realize is that
    their lib container was made was written
    in goling
    all right i’m almost done i promise this
    is a very busy slide
    i’m skipping over some details here
    around different projects
    organizations and other specs that came
    out because i want to get what to what
    happened in june of 2015.
    this event is important to know about
    because it will give you some insight
    into some of the activity and
    behind the shifts in the market the open
    container initiative was established
    which is an organization under the linux
    foundation that includes
    members from many major stakeholders
    including docker
    with the goal of creating open standards
    for container runtimes and
    image specification
    while all of this is happening in the
    container world
    there’s a couple of other dates that are
    going to be important to us java devs
    to know specifically the first is that
    java 7 was released in july of 2011
    and work was started on java 8
    which was released in march of 2014.
    keep this in mind because when you start
    containerizing your java applications
    this little bit of history will be
    important to know and i’ll be bringing
    this up again later
    all right that’s it for history let’s
    move on
    to the container market and what’s going
    on there
    i did a little hunting and found that
    for the last
    three years well several years actually
    a company that provides a really
    powerful monitoring and troubleshooting
    tool for linux
    some of you may already be using this
    they put out a container report based on
    the analysis of their users
    and part of the report includes data on
    container runtimes that are in use
    in 2017 they analyzed data from 45 000
    in the huge scope of things that isn’t
    very many but we’ve got to start
    there’s no graph here available because
    99 of those containers were docker
    so they didn’t even split up the results
    in 2018 however they analyzed data from
    90 000 containers double their sample
    we’re getting somewhere 83 percent were
    and then we see you know other
    percentages for coreos rocket
    mesos and lxe so it looks like other
    container run times are starting to
    a little bit on the docker space
    moving on to 2019 now we’ve got some
    numbers we can work with
    the cystic container report included
    stats from over 2 million containers
    and docker is still holding relatively
    strong at 79
    18 container d but uh it’s worth noting
    that container d is actually a runtime
    that docker builds on top of
    that last percent uh four four percent
    is cryo
    and uh this data is interesting
    especially because of what’s been
    happening over the last few years
    um something um to note here is that
    disappearance of
    core os rocket that’s kind of a sad
    core os was required by red hat at the
    beginning of 2018
    and prior to that rocket was accepted to
    the cncf
    that’s the cloud native computing
    foundation as an incubating project
    and it really looked like a promising
    competitor competitor to docker’s
    container d
    um their approach to security for
    example was
    a little bit different and and favored
    since that acquisition the development
    of the project went dormant and in mid
    mid 2019 rocket was archived by the cncf
    and in february of 2020 the project was
    all right uh the last report just came
    out in january
    this is their 2021 container security
    and usage report
    and it’s hard to know if we’re comparing
    apples to apples here
    considering that little qualifier of a
    subset of customer containers
    but this report includes a ton of
    detailed information about their
    and data sources as well as other
    interesting information around
    what services customers are running like
    as well as you know what they’re using
    for orchestration
    um i put the link here to this report so
    uh when you get a moment and you’re
    curious it’s definitely worth taking a
    look at there’s a lot of information in
    but in a nutshell what i pulled from it
    was this i noticed that
    increase in usage of container d from
    18 in the previous report to 33
    it’ll be really interesting to see if
    that trend continues
    especially since kubernetes announced
    they will be deprecating support for
    docker as a runtime later this year
    some of you might have questions about
    that but that’s nothing to panic
    over all that means is that
    you can’t use docker as a runtime in
    kubernetes they won’t be supporting that
    but the images that you create with
    docker those are still compatible
    you can still use them you just have to
    switch out the runtime
    all right now that i’ve introduced a few
    of these other
    container runtimes that exist out there
    besides docker
    it’s time to start talking about what a
    container actually is
    and what docker actually provides in
    order to appreciate
    those differences could you momentarily
    speak to
    the commonalities between these
    containers as well
    because of the open specification and
    how there is a unified
    idea of what each of these containers
    are now providing
    and therefore the kleenex will survive
    as a container and therefore the
    differences between
    all three of these that you have
    mentioned becomes
    moot if anything the specification that
    docker will no longer
    as a as a trial example
    not have to run as root becomes a large
    hurdle to give its popularity back
    right that’s exactly correct all right
    so let’s get into talking about
    what docker is exactly and this is a key
    what docker had over other players in
    the container game was a focus on
    commoditizing a complete
    solution that made it easy for
    developers to package and
    deploy their applications and once
    containers became
    easy to use we all witnessed that
    explosion of tools and resources around
    and the docker image format rose to
    become a de facto standard in the market
    and the stats that i just showed from
    sysdig are specific to container
    runtimes that terminology is important
    to understand here
    and i’ll explain those pieces and parts
    involved in working with containers
    and you’ll immediately understand why
    docker was able to suck up this market
    so quickly
    and as you mentioned why i don’t think
    they’re going away anytime soon
    all right as users let’s think about
    what we actually need
    to get our apps out there and running
    often we can
    find ourselves getting so far down into
    nitty gritty details that we lose sight
    of the actual problem we are trying to
    that reminds me of my first job as an
    intern i had an amazing boss
    and whenever i started to overthink
    or stumble around to make a decision he
    would always come out with this advice
    always go back to the original problem
    you are trying to solve
    ask yourself if the move you want to
    make is getting you further or closer to
    solving that problem
    and i use that advice to this day
    so here’s a list of needs that are
    broken up into discrete features
    first and foremost we need that
    container itself
    and some of you might be asking about
    virtual machines
    vms at this point um i just had someone
    the other day
    um you know they they said well vms are
    the same thing as containers
    and and we had a long conversation i was
    pretty raw
    after that but um
    discussing vms we’re not going to do
    that too much during this session
    but the one thing that i’ll say about it
    is they’re not the same thing as a
    the biggest difference being that a vm
    is usually understood to include an
    entire os all to itself and containers
    share the systems os the point of the
    container is to be lightweight
    and have that ability to move from one
    environment to another seamlessly and
    that said i know there’s there are some
    developments happening in the vm space
    but that’s a topic for another time so
    the rest of this list
    uh we need an image format to define a
    we need a method of building an image of
    a container
    and we need a way to manage images
    we need a way to distribute and share
    those images
    and we need a way to create launch and
    run a container environment
    we also need a way to manage the life
    cycle of the running containers
    and i didn’t even get into orchestration
    or anything like that
    this right here is plenty to prove my
    point about docker
    so in the context of those developer
    needs that we just went through
    docker was ready for an answer for
    you want to start using containers well
    we have docker engine for you
    you need an image format well here’s the
    docker image format
    you need a way to build an image sure
    we’ve got uh
    you can use a docker file um just call
    the command docker build
    you want to manage those images call
    docker images
    or docker rm for remove
    you want to share your images or use an
    image from someone else
    call docker push docker pull oh and
    there’s docker hub
    where you can store and share your
    if you need a way to launch run and
    manage your containers in their life
    cycle you’ve got
    docker run docker stop docker ps
    docker quickly succeeded in meeting the
    immediate needs of our container hungry
    market and on top of that
    the tool sets that docker provided made
    it all
    easy a huge plus for developers and that
    was a huge
    tremendous part of the market share that
    they were able to walk away with
    all right now we’re going to get into
    these pieces and parts and
    nomenclature here is very important
    differences between images
    runtime engines all of that stuff
    remember in our history lesson when i
    spoke about the open container
    out of all of those features that we
    just discussed that docker offers
    there were two that were taken up for
    the cause by the oci
    the image format and the container run
    they actually also offered up
    distribution but i’m going to stick with
    these two for now
    docker did quite a bit of reorganizing
    their code base
    developing abstractions and pulling out
    discrete functionality
    they are a heavy contributor to the oci
    they actually gave the docker version 2
    image spec
    as a basis for the oci image spec
    they also gave run c which was a
    contributed as a reference
    implementation of the oci container
    spec there’s quite a few other container
    runtimes you might see out there
    including container d remember this is
    one that
    docker uses cryo and kata
    are other options all with various
    levels of features for specific use
    again about docker building on top of
    container d
    container d was actually contributed by
    to the cloud native computing foundation
    and it
    itself internally uses run c
    container d was integrated into docker
    and has been in use since
    version 1.11 which came out in 2016
    so that’s old news it’s been a while now
    the next few years i think are going to
    be really interesting to observe what
    happens with these specs and how the oci
    moves forward there’s a quite a range of
    differing opinions about what should and
    should not be
    in the standard for a container runtime
    and we’re in a situation where having a
    runtime that just meets the requirements
    of the oci spec
    doesn’t seem to be enough to drive
    i’ve added a couple of links here that
    are excellent starting places to learn
    more about
    computer run times or container runtimes
    if you’re curious uh that second one in
    is the beginning of a blog series by ann
    lewis he’s a google dev advocate
    the first subtitle in that blog was
    called why are container runtimes so
    which immediately attracted me when i
    was looking into this
    ian does a really good job of explaining
    some of this and he goes into details
    low level and high level run times and
    where they might overlap
    which causes some of our confusion
    all right what if you don’t wanna use
    that’s fine you might wanna sit yourself
    down and ask why not
    maybe it’s that long long-running damon
    the dr damon
    there could be reasons you don’t want
    that maybe you just want to stop
    thinking that docker is all there is and
    we really need to stop calling all
    containers docker containers because
    it’s not really true
    maybe you want to build your own images
    using a bash script
    you just want to do it all yourself
    because you certainly can
    it’s it’s not magic you can definitely
    do that
    there are these other projects out there
    um podman
    usually you use that to run containers
    build a use that to build images
    um scopio can be used to transfer
    container images from remote
    there’s a couple of other projects i
    don’t list on this slide
    bazel is a google tool uh kenneco
    is another google tool those two i have
    not used
    so i will not comment on them but i
    think it’s it’s interesting that
    with the open specs and stuff we’re
    going to see more
    tool sets come out there
    some of the cons here right away is
    these aren’t really convenient to run on
    a mac
    mac os or windows os so if that’s what
    your development environment is
    then you might just stick with docker
    um also like pod man machine that’s
    that’s an option to maybe
    you know get that running on your mac
    for example but it still requires a
    linux vm
    um also oh something i didn’t put on
    this slide as well as jib
    i’m curious how many of you have used
    jib and what your experiences with that
    i’ll bring that up again a little bit
    later when we we talk about some of the
    some of the gotchas that you can get
    into when you’re building a docker file
    and if if i forget to bring this up
    again definitely ask me afterwards
    but i’m going to
    just post the jib link to our chat
    since i don’t have it on the slide but
    it’s a good one to go
    go check out mainly the the biggest
    point with them is they optimize your
    um you don’t need the docker daemon and
    the way they optimize the images is um
    you know normally you might see your
    whole java app be in a single layer
    and they actually break it up into
    multiple layers
    it’s a little bit more efficient
    all right moving on now that we
    all that docker entails that it’s an
    entire tech stack
    not just one thing um and also some of
    what’s going on in the market
    let’s focus on just what the container
    itself is and what that looks like on
    your system
    i’ll show you how it’s stored and what’s
    actually happening under the covers
    and you’ll discover like i said before
    that it’s it’s not magic
    so my first experience with containers
    it’s been several years now but
    um i was a developer on a
    new team new project there was a tight
    deadline of course that can
    that can be a good description of most
    and most projects um the best course of
    action for me in general is just to jump
    and start getting something up and
    running on my local machine i learned
    best by doing
    so the docker documentation that i came
    is actually it was good then it’s really
    good now
    so if you find yourself in a similar
    position i recommend going through their
    get started docs i’ve linked those here
    on the slide
    and going through this guide will get
    you comfortable with all of the docker
    commands you’re going to need
    the ones i had on a previous slide those
    are just the bare minimum
    there’s a lot that you can do
    the first thing to note is that
    a docker image is really just a tarball
    of a complete file system and when an
    image is unpacked
    it’s just thrown into its own directory
    which becomes
    its root file system the second
    is that the processes that are involved
    in running the containers
    are just regular linux processes and on
    top of that there’s just a few
    linux features that are used together in
    a way to achieve that
    isolation that we want from containers
    namespaces are an important ingredient
    because this is what is used to provide
    that virtual separation between
    this is how the processes inside a
    container don’t interfere with the host
    or processes inside another container on
    the same host
    here you can see the namespaces that
    were set up for a postgres container
    that i have on my box
    stop here for a moment and speak to the
    fact this is the area where run c
    has failed and those security issues
    that have been noted because of docker
    have been alleviated most part and this
    is why podman was developed
    to actually speak to the fact that when
    you run docker
    in its native form it’s running as root
    and this is one of the security flaws of
    why alternatives came out and why the
    open container initiative was created to
    actually speak to these
    issues to allow a better isolation by
    not running as root also there are
    using jib that should be considered
    because there are successors out there
    currently right now called j cube i will
    put a link into the chat
    awesome thank you it’s definitely worth
    checking out
    all right the c groups functionality
    that those are essential to constraining
    how much a container can use things like
    memory network bandwidth etc and
    you can see that i’ve set these
    constraints by including options on the
    docker run command
    you can do that when launching an image
    you can see that i’ve constrained the
    memory usage limit on one of my
    all right i’m going to quickly gloss
    over some file system details
    where containers and images are actually
    stored on your file system
    i went digging around one day just just
    to satisfy my own curiosity
    on you know how my file system on my
    local machine is actually changing
    when i’m building these images running
    these containers all of that stuff
    part of it was because something was
    broken and i just needed to figure out
    how to clean it up
    so um this was this was quite the deep
    anyway um first off after you’ve
    docker assuming that’s what you’re using
    and not something else
    running the docker info will spit out a
    bunch of information about your
    installation including the docker root
    this is where most everything you’re
    going to care about regarding your
    docker images and containers will be
    and note that if you’re on a mac your
    containers are actually running in a
    tiny vm
    so you’re going to need some tool like
    screen or something to get in there
    and get to the docker root directory to
    look around
    if you’re not familiar with that tool
    with the screen command for example
    definitely google that in advance get
    familiar with it first
    it will mess up your text display pretty
    good on the mac if you don’t enter and
    exit it
    this slide shows how you can get
    information about the images that you
    have stored on your system
    first i listed my available images using
    the docker images command
    i actually have several installed but
    i’m just showing you the first couple in
    the list
    using the docker inspect command i can
    any image i like using its image id
    this will spit out a ton of interesting
    information but what i want to highlight
    here is the graph driver section
    which contains the paths to the
    directories where all of those layers
    that belong to this image live
    docker images are composed of layers
    which represent
    instructions in the docker file that was
    used to build the image originally
    these layers actually translate into
    these and they can be shared across
    other images
    in order to save space pretty clever
    the lower mergeder and upper dir
    sections i want to highlight here
    the lower dir directory contains all of
    the directories
    or layers like we just learned that were
    used to build the original image
    and these are read only the upper dir
    directory contains all of the content
    that has been modified while the
    container is running
    if modifications are needed for that
    read only layer
    in lower dir then that layer is copied
    into the upper dir where it can be
    written to and you may have heard the
    copy on right operation that’s what that
    it’s important to remember that that
    data that’s in upper dir
    is ephemeral data it only lives as long
    as the container lives
    in fact if you have any data that you
    intend to keep
    you should utilize the volume features
    of docker
    and mount a location that will stick
    around after that container dies
    and this is how most containers handle
    running a database by the way
    lastly the mergeder is kind of like a
    virtual directory that combines
    everything from lower dura and upper dir
    and the way the union file system works
    is that any edited layers that were
    copied into upper dir
    will overlay the layers in the lower and
    that’s what you see
    when you get into your container
    all right i actually have a few
    containers currently running on my
    two of them are my local jfrog container
    registry installation
    which includes a container for
    artifactory and a container for a
    postgres database
    the other is a simple test container i
    was playing around with
    and note that the container ids of the
    running containers match up with the
    container subdirectory names
    something to remember here is if you
    stop the container
    that corresponding directory doesn’t
    automatically go away until the
    container is actually removed
    with the docker rm command or some other
    so if you have stopped containers that
    are lying around and they never get
    cleaned up
    you might see your available space start
    to dwindle
    there is a docker
    system prune command you can run that
    every now and then to help clean things
    or you can launch a container with a
    flag to indicate that it should be
    removed when it’s finished running
    a lot of orchestration systems like
    kubernetes can handle this part for you
    i’m just important to know about it
    especially when you’re developing on
    your local box
    okay now we’re moving on into gotchas
    these tool sets around building and
    running images
    and containers have made things so easy
    it’s also easy to shoot yourself in the
    in a few places and i’m going to go over
    some of the most common gotchas here
    including some jvm specific ones that i
    run into immediately
    when i first started working with
    the first is running a containerized
    application as the root user
    and i’ll be totally honest here um when
    i was initially getting containers
    up and running i was just so excited
    about how well it was working
    that it was a while before i took it
    seriously now that
    i know that processes inside a running
    container are just like any other
    processes on the system
    albeit a few constraints it’s pretty
    scary now to run his route inside a
    and doing that opens up the possibility
    of a process escaping the intended
    of the container and gaining access to
    host resources
    the idea here is to reduce the tax
    surface of your container
    by following the principle of least
    privilege although containers are
    designed not to affect
    other running containers if someone were
    to gain access to your container and
    immediately has root privileges
    they can wreak havoc on your host so how
    do we mitigate this problem
    the best thing to do is to create a user
    and use the user command inside the
    docker file when the container is built
    in order to run processes as that user
    there is a way that you can specify a
    user when the doc
    when you use the docker run command but
    that leaves you can like pass it in as a
    but that leaves open the possibility of
    forgetting to do that
    it happens and it’s just nice if the
    image itself is set up by
    by default not to run as root
    so pay attention to all of those
    official images that you pull down
    from docker hub uh whether or not they
    run as route or if they leave that up to
    you to figure out
    um some of them are you know really
    handy but what i
    of what i see generally as a pattern is
    um especially within companies that have
    you know better control over that they
    will pull down you know official images
    from docker hub
    but then they will modify you know make
    using a user that everyone is aware of
    and they will create that image and then
    that image is what’s used as the base or
    the parent image
    of anything else in the company
    all right even though docker provides
    you with the ability
    to set some resource limits on your on
    your container
    it does not automatically do that for
    you in fact the default settings are
    pretty much a free-for-all
    with no limits anywhere so make sure
    that you understand the resource needs
    of your application
    too little your container will die from
    and too much and the container could
    smother others on the system
    so using containers although very
    convenient it is not a license to be
    and not understand the resource
    your usage of your application that’s
    something also that you’re going to want
    to monitor over time and adjust as
    just like your java applications before
    it’s a very good way to determine if
    something is going wrong
    or if load on your system has changed
    for some reason
    you can also use that information to
    determine if your application needs to
    be split up
    further with certain actions scaled
    never updating this is a huge security
    and it’s very easy to get complacent and
    not pay attention to what is actually
    being pulled in when you build images
    not only do you need to be aware of
    outdated versions that you specify in
    your own docker file
    but you also need to pay attention to
    what’s in the base image that it’s
    coming from
    not updating those packages and
    inside your container those can lead to
    some pretty embarrassing results
    especially when there are tools
    available now to alert you when security
    issues have been discovered
    with specific artifacts even ensuring
    that you’re
    running containers with a non-privileged
    even that has risk when there are known
    vulnerabilities that exist
    within your container or even on the
    kernel of the host
    from time to time exploits are found
    that enable
    attackers to potentially escape a
    we know it happens it’s not something
    that you can always prevent
    so definitely have a process in place to
    to those events and regularly update
    your package packages keep up with those
    security updates
    i’ve definitely a strategy should you
    come up with a strategy of coming up
    with a list of base approved images to
    start with so that
    at least your brownish banana doesn’t
    look that bad
    exactly that’s a that’s an excellent
    idea and i’ve seen that
    before where like you might you might
    get a
    you know an an image from docker hub
    that everyone uses right but then
    you update it and you um use that image
    as a base image
    internally it’s a very good very good
    strategy to have
    and you can organize your base images
    pretty well that way
    um i yeah not updating
    that’s common too i’ve also seen that um
    if it hasn’t been a priority it’s
    usually because of the fear of breaking
    a product or service that
    that’s already working um but in reality
    that’s a symptom of a different problem
    and it’s just not worth it it’s um much
    worse to leak private data
    or potentially be the start of a domino
    effect that can bring an entire system
    rather than you know take the time and
    come up with that strategy
    and update your stuff
    all right this one’s fun i don’t know
    how you feel about that graphic but it’s
    really just about something unexpected
    this is java specific very specific to
    containerizing java applications
    and very much related to being aware of
    what your application requires to run
    successfully regarding memory
    that jvm is pretty clever at
    automatically determining
    settings for your swap and heap and your
    garbage collection
    and all that lovely stuff based on
    like the memory and the number of cores
    available on the host
    and remember earlier during our history
    lesson when i mentioned the dates for
    java 7
    and java 8. java 7 was released in july
    of 2011
    work was started on java 8 in march of
    so considering that timeline of docker
    developments and java releases java 7
    and earlier versions of 8 and certainly
    earlier versions
    are not fully container aware this means
    that your java application
    won’t necessarily obey those memory and
    cpu constraints that you put on your
    you may end up with some surprise out of
    memory killer activity
    if you aren’t paying attention to that
    the reason for that
    is that the mechanisms the jvm used in
    these older versions to retrieve the
    resources available
    those came from the actual host machine
    and not the
    c group limits that you would expect
    there were some improvements around
    container awareness that were introduced
    in java 8
    on update 131 specifically
    and further improvements in later
    versions and some back porting going on
    but to really get all of the benefits of
    container awareness you really should
    get to java 11
    the latest lts release that is container
    all right container gotchas and image
    um something i see a lot
    pulling in large parent or base images
    that include a bunch of stuff you don’t
    that increases your attack surface area
    from a security perspective
    and shipping these large images around
    and storing them
    can become clumsy slow and expensive now
    since we’re paying for
    all of our storage in the cloud these
    um start with making use of the dot
    docker ignore file it’s very similar to
    the git ignore file
    use that to keep those unnecessary items
    out of your
    images i’ve also seen
    in build you know docker files that are
    being built sometimes i see
    like a one line copy of an entire source
    into the image and there’s actually
    problems there you are you know
    including tests
    maybe a test directory or something that
    you you really don’t need
    um also that if you do that in one line
    that’s an
    entire layer with all of your stuff and
    anything ever changes which it will with
    every check in
    that layer has to be regenerated every
    so organize your code so that stuff
    the stuff that changes the most often is
    in its own layer
    think implementations versus
    and that’s that’s where jib comes in
    you know kind of handles that for you a
    little bit
    another um thing that i’ve seen is
    is mistakenly including the get
    even obviously that’s not a good idea
    to include in your image you could
    possibly be including secrets
    and even if you take the step to delete
    specific things
    after that copy it still lives in that
    previous layer
    stored on the machine you may not see it
    but it’s still there
    that said if you’re pulling your java
    into the docker file you’re likely
    including your build tool
    as well like maven or gradle
    learn to use utilize the docker
    multi-stage docker build
    so you don’t end up with all of that
    craft all of those extras
    in your production image and this
    problem is certainly not limited to
    java projects i’ve seen it with other
    code bases as well
    all right managing your images this is
    more than you know we’ve talked a little
    bit about it about pulling images from
    docker hub and stuff
    um consider where your base and parent
    images are coming from
    and if you’re not specifying a container
    in your docker file by default it is
    coming from docker hub
    that’s the default behavior so
    if you want to only use the images that
    are provided
    by like an internal registry you need to
    specify that internal registry
    um proprietary images you know maybe you
    want to protect those and not just make
    those available to the general public
    make sure that you are putting those in
    a private registry
    that you have credentials for
    public registries like docker hub they
    certainly have their purpose they’re an
    awesome place to share official images
    and get some of your
    services up and running quickly without
    starting from scratch
    but i definitely highly recommend using
    a private internal container registry
    this will help keep you reliable access
    those required images for your builds
    you can avoid
    random failures in your pipelines
    because of network issues or
    a missing image due to a you know lost
    connection to the public
    registry you also have better control
    better access to proprietary images
    there are a ton of free tools out there
    and of course i’m going to
    point you to the jfrog platform
    and there’s a link here that you can use
    and try out
    you can store images there
    it will proxy images from docker hub
    i already mentioned it a little bit at
    the beginning as well
    pretty good stuff also if you’re new to
    container registries
    at the bottom of this slide is a link to
    a d zone rough card
    that’ll help you learn a little bit more
    about the things that you should
    when you start setting up a container
    registry or choosing one to begin with
    what else here oh the fuji link
    uh that’s the last resource i’ll talk
    about when you build your images with a
    particular jdk
    because you should you want to be if you
    want more specifics on which version
    or update to use fuji io is a great
    resource to help you compare
    those java versions and get detailed
    info on updates
    all right that’s all i’ve got for you
    um i will open for questions for sure
    and um i need to know who to
    share or make host
    once we’re done with questions
    so that you should be right below
    i’m sorry who that would be ted oh
    ted okay he’s the one who normally
    handles the raffle there
    but does anyone have any questions here
    for melissa
    wow everybody’s real quiet okay i
    don’t have any questions i just thought
    it was a really good talk very
    thank you yeah i agree i really like the
    background the
    historical background as well
    yeah i tried to work with
    some source code i got source code for a
    project and i tried
    to deploy it on my local machine and i
    didn’t have any information about
    um what did that what how to go about
    setting up the database
    what the passwords were what the default
    tables were
    all that sort of stuff i sort of said oh
    that’s what containers are all about
    so that you have the entire ecosystem of
    uh your your your your your system
    in there you don’t have to worry about
    keeping track of
    passwords and all that because you got
    the the things that handle secrets and
    connect with the database and
    and you know was it designed for which
    type of
    operating system was designed for do you
    have the right packages installed
    and it just was like oh that’s our
    container is all about
    so i’m like i’ve been hearing it but i
    did sort of understand it so thank you
    very much
    you’re very welcome yeah they’re pretty
    and um something that i like to use
    especially for like testing in qa
    environments and stuff
    test containers very very awesome
    project if you aren’t using that
    definitely take a look at that because
    you don’t you don’t always want to set
    up you know
    a production grade database for example
    but you also don’t want to use an
    in-memory database which
    may be a little different in syntax or
    by you know the queries might be a
    little different
    than your actual database that you use
    in production so um
    definitely check out test containers
    that can make that process a lot easier
    on you
    you know talking about the the security
    of containers
    that’s something that’s uh really on my
    mind a lot lately
    and one of the the mantras i hear a lot
    in security is make it easy to do the
    right thing
    and so what i’ve been thinking about or
    working towards is
    providing that base docker template
    that based docker file that includes
    the creating the user that doesn’t have
    the elevated access
    and and providing that information for
    the other developers that
    you know they’re just trying to get
    through the docker file to get their
    thing deployed they don’t really
    know it or understand it or maybe
    necessarily even care about it
    but you know just make it easy for them
    to do the right thing
    and see that that last step copies
    everything over
    puts it in the lower level access and
    sets it up
    that’s excellent excellent advice you
    can definitely
    yeah narrow you know reduce your risk
    by bringing that all up top and have you
    know a team that are
    handles that stuff because all it takes
    is one developer
    to push one change to a docker file that
    open you up for problems so yeah and
    i like that sentence you know make it
    if you want it to be done correctly make
    it easy
    developers need things to be easy
    we’re lazy we just want to get this
    stuff done
    one of the names that came up on one of
    the slides that i saw at the very
    his name is matt rabel he is a great
    about creating secure by design
    and actually speaking about having
    managed containers in a
    kubernetes environment yeah and one of
    the things is like
    the developer is the person that you
    should start with first
    and there is something called the four
    c’s that you can look up on kubernetes
    website to actually look at the fact
    that how they
    on kubernetes t talk about security
    and therefore you have to come up with
    some way to use things like
    open id oauth jwt
    in concert with each other to actually
    an oauth provider as an example key
    that you would actually stick in your
    kubernetes environment and therefore you
    would then
    control who has authority to talk to
    microservice a to microservice b
    to microservice c and therefore the key
    is your oauth provider that provides all
    of these things the
    open id the oauth as well as the jwt
    and therefore then controls that type of
    orchestration of the microservices
    when you then put this also
    with istio which is your service mesh
    envoy on top of this you have a totally
    locked down environment from a network
    along with authority inside of your
    kubernetes environment
    and if you really want to go to the nth
    degree and lock down your
    uh cube control put
    shippa on it and therefore then you
    would have
    roles as well as users involved in your
    kubernetes environment
    these are the things that i think are
    the most important things that a
    a developer not an administrator should
    learn as the tools that they should be
    implementing to stick
    into their environment to get a fully
    functional productionized version of
    what they should deliver
    yes all right three things i’m just
    smiling as you’re speaking
    um matt rabel and i are good friends
    he’s actually here in denver i’m in
    denver as well
    and we run devoxx for kids together and
    yes and you have your next next meetup
    group with matt so you can start
    peppering him with questions for sure
    oh i’m an awesome guy i love his
    talks i am a big big
    fan i love his vw
    read about his and read about his slides
    read about
    seeing what he puts on youtube he has
    the most
    important view of how to handle
    cloud native and i do mean cloud native
    deployment of where you could go in this
    in these types of environments
    and therefore if you containerize and
    stick it in kubernetes and get it into a
    managed environment
    the way i described i think that you can
    then find the lowest price that you want
    to go from aws to google to azure
    or even ibm yeah definitely
    um second i have a service mesh talk
    that i do
    so yes i enjoy talking about service
    mesh and all of the
    um abilities that gives you including
    the security
    you know no longer do you have to worry
    about anyone talking to your container
    or your service without going through
    that gatekeeper
    and third
    we have some swamp up talks around that
    very subject so um definitely consider
    taking a look at some of our swamp up
    sessions around that did you talk about
    um i do i’m doing one with shipa
    i want debugging and visualization
    for what i have described more like kali
    and other things that are available to
    envoy because the fact like envoy is not
    really representative enough to actually
    show the ingress and egress points of
    that you need to have visibility so that
    when things go wrong in the middle of
    the night you get a call i’m sorry
    you have to it’s too hard to dig through
    and with all the commands and everything
    to find where the bug is right exactly
    um one suggestion have you looked at
    offerings at all they actually have a
    amazing visualization tool that uh lets
    you track
    you know the communication between all
    of you use the bad word
    free oh no
    unfortunately now
    right now no money is available for me
    to actually
    gotcha totally got it understood
    oh here’s something that’s that um is
    okay um and something that might you any
    you know some of you might find this
    um the jfrog platform
    has a free service um you can sign up
    for that
    there’s a link on this slide here for
    that um
    part of that is a version of x-ray
    which monitors you know all of your
    packages that you have that have been
    pulled in
    to artifactory there it includes
    artifactory as well
    and it will you know scan those packages
    and let you know about any known
    and on top of that as a developer you
    can actually include a plug-in on
    all of the main ides i use intellij love
    and i just add the jfrog plugin i set it
    up to communicate with my x-ray
    and i can tell right there in my palm
    when i’m ready to add a dependency i can
    put that dependency in there
    and it’ll let me know if there’s any
    already known problems with it that i
    need to
    consider before even checking it in
    would that alleviate the issues that is
    my next issue
    is having a bill of materials to be
    published as part of the build of your
    container because right now because of
    the solar winds our orion
    debugger problem that got in because i’m
    sorry microsoft
    supply chain attack because of that
    fact has just turned my head upside down
    in the fact now i can’t trust bills now
    we have to have
    a completely virgin build that now has
    to be validated against a developer so
    you have to build it in two places
    once again secure once against the
    developer and they must match by
    exactly yup
    yup um we definitely have that bill of
    you can use that for troubleshooting you
    know one build to the next
    also if there’s a vulnerability that’s
    found inside a docker image there’s
    actually a visualization that will
    go deep into the layers it’ll tell you
    exactly what layer
    has the problem and what package within
    that layer has the problem
    so maybe like you don’t even have real
    access or
    have paid attention to your base image
    for example this would allow you to see
    a problem in your base image that you
    weren’t aware of
    well too much of what’s going on still
    i’m sorry even though it’s become very
    convenient in the fact that we’re
    checking in containers
    it’s still turning into an idea of
    throwing it over the wall
    and now there is now a real
    real lack of trust of what’s being
    thrown over the wall oh yeah
    as there should be um it’s
    this is the problems we’re seeing now
    they’ve the capability to do that
    especially for those supply chain
    especially if you’re using you know npm
    for example
    any open registry or repository where
    anyone can put stuff in there you’re
    running this risk
    and so many people we just don’t think
    about it because we don’t have the
    criminal minds we’re just sitting there
    doing our job getting our stuff out
    and this this problem has been around
    for a while
    with artifactory this is good to mention
    something to help prevent a supply chain
    attack especially with
    internal packages that you use
    internally that
    have no business being in a public
    and the way to prevent accidentally
    pulling something in from a public
    repository when you intended to get your
    local stuff
    you can set up artifactory in such a way
    that it will
    ignore anything that’s public and only
    take your internal stuff
    well that’s the idea of the white list
    ideas of even images or base images that
    this is the white list
    artifactory idea that you’re actually
    putting here and i think that’s
    always been there since i think
    artifactory came out at least for most
    companies i’ve dealt with
    yep um just not
    not enough people are using that feature
    to uh
    protect themselves
    this is an awesome conversation i love
    getting into these um especially java
    user groups i feel like
    you know we actually get to learn
    something and i always come away
    learning something
    it’s really good
    all right bruce are we ready to do
    something i think so raffles
    all right no more questions here from
    then what i’m gonna do is i’m gonna turn
    off this little
    record button so please ask the host to
    give you permission to record
    okay so i just think i turned it off
    okay and i’m making ted the host that’s
    all right normally at this time we’d
    have a big round of applause
    thank you
    okay ted i see you yeah i’ve got
    um i’ve been taking notes here so
    i’ve i’ve only got two entries so far
    for the raffle so
    you just oh and there’s another one in
    as two more that just came in we’ve got
    people that are very
    right so if you would like to be in the
    what you should do is uh put your name
    and email address in the chat
    box and message it to
    ted so he can see it
    and is that avatar i think i just saw
    pop up there sorry about that you should
    have your ebook from last month
    i was just a little delayed in getting
    it out
    yep i think i received it yeah
    that was my fault i sent the messages
    out right away
    i just didn’t see them come back right
    away so they were just a little slow
    in getting them to manny but yeah i
    i think he did get his work as a sorry
    whom should i send my
    email oh that would be to to
    he’s the guy here who’s yeah to me
    it’s right next to me uh
    in the i can
    that’s the guy to send to i just put it
    in the chat window and just private
    message it to ted
    must be present to win and by the way
    the speaker
    is eligible to win a prize
    if it matters
    let’s see i’m just i i’m trying to do
    this systematically so that i
    i make sure i get every person exactly
    i think is you’re the host you have to
    be the one to turn off that recording
    oh i’m getting me shut it off all right
    you should have a record button
    probably down at the bottom