Diversity and Inclusion : Remote/WFH edition @KubeDaily

1月 8, 2022

< 1 min read

Diversity and Inclusion: Remote/WFH edition @KubeDaily
The last two years ( 2020 and 2021 ) have changed dramatically how we work, live and what we value in our private & professional lives. Our expectations have changed and we had to adapt fast to a world that appeared alien. A plethora of temporal solutions and ad-hoc processes were adopted. Challenges and opportunities were multiplied by several orders of magnitude.

What are the current and next industry challenges? How can we make a difference in a positive way? In this session we will learn from several sources what is the current state of affairs, new challenges and areas of opportunities regarding Diversity and Inclusion in IT.

2nd annual
DevSecOps Conference

DevSecOps Conf is non-profit developer-first platform for sharing and collaborating on open source, cloud native technologies, GitOps, and security domains. It’s also the perfect place to connect with contributors, maintainers, developers, founders, CTOs, and CEOs. Check out the rockstar speaker lineup.


Ixchel Ruiz

Developer Advocate @ JFrog

Ixchel is a Developer Advocate @JFrog. She has developed software applications & tools since 2000. Her research interests include Java, dynamic languages, client-side technologies, DevOps, and testing. Java Champion, Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador, SuperFrog, Hackergarten enthusiast, Open Source advocate, public speaker, and mentor. Travels around the world ( sometimes virtually ) because sharing knowledge is one of her main drives in life!