DevSecOps for Kubernetes-Based Applications [swampUP 2020]

Sven Ruppert,Developer Advocate ,JFrog

7月 1, 2020

< 1 min read

4 Ways Xray and Artifactory Complete DevSecOps:…
In this webinar, we will discuss concerns over security, privacy, and compliance holding back organizations from making the move to fully cloud-native initiatives. As more and more companies orchestrate their containerized applications in Kubernetes, enabling DevSecOps and continuous security becomes a must. We will look at the end-to-end SDLC process – from the first line of code up to an application running in a Kubernetes cluster – to examine the importance of DevSecOps. Where can you start, what does it look like for a developer, key patterns for success, and how you can achieve speed and scale while reducing risk and ensuring compliance.



Sven Ruppert

    Sven Ruppert

    Developer Advocate

    Sven is working as Developer Advocate for Jfrog and coding Java since 1996 in industrial projects. He was working over 15 years as a consultant worldwide in industries like Automotive, Space, Insurance, Banking, UN and WorldBank. He is regularly speaking at Conferences and Meetups worldwide and contributes to IT periodicals, as well as tech portals. Additional to his main topic DevSecOps he is working on Mutation Testing of Web apps and Distributed UnitTesting besides his evergreen topics Core Java and Kotlin.

    Video Transcript

    hello and welcome
    to devsecops for kubernetes based
    my name is van rupert and i’m developer
    advocate for jfrog
    specialized for devsecops
    what do we want to do today we want to
    talk a little bit about what are the key
    features or the key points for
    cloud native development or cloud native
    in general
    because this will lead us to some
    special things uh
    called devops or death segues here we
    want to
    see why deaf cyclops is good for
    business and what are the key points
    and this will lead us to the developer
    we want to have if you are implementing
    from scratch so the main focus will be
    how will be the view for you as a
    if you have to deal with dev sag ops and
    if you’re developing for kubernetes
    based applications
    one point in the end will be what is a
    good thing or what you can do
    to speed up your production line or your
    ci environment if you are
    dealing with long-running always complex
    ci pipelines what is true immutability
    and why you should go for it
    one thing for everybody is if you’re
    dealing with new toolings or new
    and you have already an existing
    infrastructure how to integrate
    jfrog tooling in your existing
    environment yeah that’s it so
    let’s start
    better view cloud native if you’re
    looking for the words cloud native or
    what is
    mean in the internet you will find that
    it’s a
    broad topic it will go from service or
    oriented architecture of api oriented
    through how to use container and all
    this stuff and everything is managed by
    devsecops so the meaning of this is not
    only some single topic about how to do a
    or b
    it’s a broad topic about software
    development in everything
    around reading about it will show you
    that you have a lot of different
    meanings opinions and all this stuff but
    in general you have
    wirecloud native foundation the
    possibility to get the condensed and
    the um official meaning of this finally
    so it took some years but
    it’s available so cloud native what does
    it mean it means that we have solar
    service oriented architecture service
    oriented architecture means that you’re
    breaking up your
    big big application into smaller pieces
    micro services one word or the other
    thing is that you’re just going to
    um serverless functions
    on which means that at this point you
    will have
    very tiny part projects or from the big
    project you have
    tiny sub-projects and the sub-projects
    can freely decide
    what technology they’re using and
    how they want to deliver that inside a
    container that
    could be managed by a docker or via
    biocommunities in the end
    so this is a container-based
    infrastructure that
    everything is running inside docker
    managed by kubernetes
    the service oriented architecture is a
    way how to split all this stuff
    and then this is api oriented
    api oriented communication is just
    to define how the part sharing
    and all together is
    the possibility to choose freely the
    it’s good and bad at the same time so
    it’s good because you can
    freely choose it’s good because you can
    get rid of legacy stuff
    but it’s bad because you’re dealing
    always with all these tiny details of a
    new technology
    if you’re a senior in one technology
    doesn’t mean that you’re a senior in the
    technology as well your ramp up time
    will be maybe faster compared to a
    youngster but in the end if you’re
    senior here you’re a youngster here
    and this means all this stuff like
    security issues
    best practices and what are the good and
    stable sub-components or dependencies
    you have to learn again and this is a
    bad thing
    because with new technologies you have
    new attack vectors it can be used
    new ways of breaking into your system
    and all this stuff you have to learn so
    you need tools to help you
    to identify what kind of security
    breaches are there
    and then the other thing is how to deal
    with license
    comparing java with javascript for
    the java ecosystem is a way more stable
    and the javascript one is very
    active it’s it’s developing a lot of
    stuff in short time
    but the dependency tree between
    components and how this is versioned
    and the security issue there and the
    compliance issues
    this is a completely different thing
    okay this is the technology how to run
    on a technology how to split it up how
    to communicate between all the stars
    and the whole thing that is managing
    this one is
    called devsecops so the cloud native
    foundation is explicitly talking about
    cloud dev segues not about death ops
    so the main thing is what is
    the difference between devops
    and death setups this is one thing but
    i want to have a few more ideas what
    does it mean
    or what what part of this cloud native
    full stack we want to
    look at i want to have a detailed look
    how to implement stuff so if you’re
    looking at this part from
    coding software until let it run in
    we have through the application this
    piece of code you’re writing as a
    developer and this is the first thing
    you’re providing this one must be
    wrapped inside linux or must run
    inside linux and this one will be
    packaged in docker images
    that will be delivered
    via registry to your kubernetes universe
    so these are the four steps i want to
    have a look at
    and if you’re checking here so if you
    have a security breach
    inside your application during the time
    you’re coding it will be available in
    all other stacks
    maybe it can be masked or hidden by some
    stuff like a firewall or reverse proxy
    but in general their security hole
    is available the same thing here with
    license so you can have license
    or transitive dependencies here during
    the time you’re coding the application
    you have the same thing
    in the linux distribution and for sure
    in docker and kubernetes as well so
    everything will be managed or the whole
    life cycle of this will be managed by
    term called devsecops okay this is
    so have in mind if you’re
    pushing security or if you have security
    issues during the
    development time then they are available
    until the end and this is where this
    term shift
    left is coming so if you’re rotating
    this one
    at 90 degree or 490 degree then you see
    that you start creating application
    linux docker kubernetes and
    shift left means that you’re going in
    this direction that even during the
    coding time the earliest possible time
    you are starting with the term security
    so and inside the application
    development again
    coding part and then testing and so on
    shift left is the same orientation
    difference between devops and dev’s
    hackers because
    devsecops is exactly what they want to
    the pure devops is the thing is
    mentioned earliest
    i think 2008 or 2009 and we have a bunch
    books about it and different opinions
    and meanings and all that stuff but in
    the end if you’re checking you have
    all the spots like coding building
    testing packaging releasing configuring
    and that means devops is just
    organizing the development and operation
    stuff of this one there’s no explicit
    security there’s no explicit performance
    testing and all this stuff
    so where it’s coming from early days we
    had this developers in the ops team and
    then you know there was this
    a few people were developing a few
    people were just running and
    if you’re speaking about security the
    operations part was mostly responsive
    responsible for delivering a firewall
    reverse proxy and all that stuff and the
    developer was just not thinking about it
    see the security and back backs
    had very high financial impact because
    mostly all this stuff is just
    found during the operations part and
    then it was going back to another team
    and bug fixing all this stuff
    see what we learned at this part they
    said def and orbs should be
    merged together and then we have the
    whole thing from developing
    until running in production this is good
    this is fast there’s a
    financial impact of having a bug or
    fixing a bug is less because it’s a very
    um communication between these teams but
    the security part was
    mostly always the same here so it means
    the security team was checking
    after everything was verified and ready
    for production and then they had the
    license to kill in some in
    um environments and so it means
    what we had with def and ops now we have
    to do with security as well
    and devsecops is
    exactly this so what we learned from def
    and ops to devops we are now doing with
    devops and security so security is
    that is everywhere in the pipeline
    because security
    for example what’s russ plays for
    security there is no right place
    where you’re just searching for security
    issues and then you’re doing the next
    one so there is no additional step in
    this pipeline that will just slow you
    well make sure that you now have one
    security guard that will check
    everything so it’s not
    just a product you’re buying and then
    everything is secure like a firewall
    it’s not um a dedicated person you can
    hire and that’s it
    so security will help you to
    have a lower impact of security bikes
    and all these stuff issues
    see we’re talking about the security
    first culture it means
    security should be everywhere in every
    and we have this to integrate in the
    whole application
    life cycle and that is def segups
    so security as early as possible
    why this will minimize your risk well
    it’s more or less always the same
    speaking about dependencies in the java
    world you have a bunch of dependencies
    because you don’t want to reinvent the
    wheel that makes sense because
    if you want to sort something or want to
    create a pdf library just use a
    dependency for it
    but you have no control about it you
    have to trust this guy not only that
    he’s creating good quality
    that he’s maintaining this stuff but as
    well you have to check for example for
    compliance issues
    so is all every dependency checked
    that he is using so not only you are
    the compliance issues for this
    one for this dependency but you have to
    check it for the next level
    again so all transitive dependencies
    must be checked for security
    and as well as for compliance issues so
    it’s easy to analyze this also stuff but
    a lot of stuff is based on trust and you
    have to check
    security and compliance issues this is
    one thing
    so um yeah to achieve this in depth
    devsecops well
    it’s the same like devops you have to
    optimize everything you have to speed up
    your production it means
    get rid of boring work from the
    developer let the ci
    environment do all these things say
    security to integrate is just
    extending a little bit the tooling but
    you’re going through the same stuff
    you’re using cr environment you’re
    adding some checks
    you train your people that they have
    security that they are security-minded
    or securities skilled
    the same thing you have done earlier
    with operations
    so here one thing that’s very important
    be reproducible everywhere so every tiny
    step must be
    somehow reproducible otherwise you can’t
    analyze later if you have a security
    so in general devsecours means on the
    box as early as possible and make sure
    that there is no security and no
    compliance issue
    and make sure that this is as soon as
    possible eliminated inside your
    production line
    the next step will be security from
    scratch and
    how this world looks like for you as a
    security from scratch
    now we saw what what are the basic ideas
    about it
    and we’re going back to one picture i
    showed in the beginning it was this
    application linux docker coordinated
    universe stack
    that is more or less basic for for cloud
    he i explicit exclude
    the concept phase it’s true if if you’re
    talking about security
    even during the concert phase you should
    have an eye on security
    you can have security per definition or
    not not per definition per
    architecture so this will have some
    influence on it so even there you have
    security id so this concepts this way of
    isolation this way of reporting
    it will include uh changes in processes
    how to deal with all this stuff
    but it’s not part of this talk here i’m
    just focusing from the application
    down to the kubernetes deck and just as
    a reminder
    if we have some security hole in the
    during the time we’re coding it will be
    in the linux
    in the docker and in the kubernetes
    layer as well so if you’re doing all
    this stuff
    as early as possible then it will help
    us to minimize the risk
    but talking about the different layers
    if you have different application or
    microservices and the freedom to choose
    what is the right technology you want to
    immediately you will have corresponding
    infrastructure things
    for example if i’m talking about java
    then i have
    for my application a maven repository
    the main repository is a single source
    of trees
    if i have to check what is used in my
    and based on this information i have the
    possibility to analyze a whole graph
    but then talking about linux i have the
    linux if i’m using debian i have a
    debian repository
    in the background and this is a source
    where i’m grabbing all my stuff
    and in this repository i have my
    binaries the license information and all
    this stuff
    after i’ve done this one going to the
    docker image layer
    i have my docker registry and again this
    is a repository where all this stuff is
    and if i have access to this one i have
    access to the whole binary stack and can
    analyze every single layer inside my
    docker container and the docker files
    and so on
    and after this one how it’s mounted
    then i have my kubernetes layer and
    then we can talk for example or about
    hand repositories what we see here is
    that we have more or less a common part
    of this deck for example this
    uh docker helm part and then based on
    the linux distribution a debian
    repository or an alpine repository
    but then the biggest fluctuation will be
    in this application layer if you have
    different languages different
    technologies we have npm
    or maven or nougat or whatever
    so we have different levels here
    different repositories
    the good thing with artifactory is that
    artifactory can handle all these types
    last time i checked it was
    i don’t know 24 26 different kind of
    package managers
    so you can have all these repositories
    inside artifactory so everything that’s
    coming out from the internet or in from
    the internet
    will be stored in artifactory and hold
    the good thing is you’re more or less
    independent if you’re grabbing it once
    and storing it
    you can say okay now even if the
    internet connection is not available we
    can produce
    internally caching for sure but
    talking about security x-ray
    is a component that will scan everything
    that is in artifactory how to do this
    and how to use it i will show it a
    little bit later but
    think about artifactory and x-ray as a
    that x-ray will have a detailed view on
    every tiny binary that’s going in
    that information you can consume via web
    or vian rest api so a machine can deal
    with the combination artifactory and
    or the human can directly interact with
    with this uh via a web ui i will show
    you both uh things how it
    looks like but the main thing is you
    have one single point
    all binaries in all configurations are
    and even if you have to for example
    think about the security payload
    injection even if you want to mention
    this one this could be part of
    artifactory inside the generic artifact
    repository so all these layers
    will have different behavior but you
    have different update cycles you
    have to know the knowledge of this
    repository so to deal with
    transitive dependencies and get the
    license information
    out of it
    how to define this stuff artifactory
    will give you the repositories x-rays
    connecting to it and now i have to
    how to search for security and
    compliance issues we have three levels
    for this definition inside x-ray one
    thing is a rule
    a rule is a stateless definition what
    should happen
    so you can say if you find something
    within c
    v s score from a to b please
    write an email too or please start a web
    hook or
    whatever break a build so this one
    is stateless and independent from the
    repository itself and this is an atomic
    and then you can combine this to a more
    domain specific policy a policy is a
    logical name
    and a combination or a
    aggregation or a composite of rules so
    the rule itself will describe what
    should happen
    a policy will have a logical name and a
    bunch of rules so here you’re more
    domain specific so for example the
    policy for web apps a policy for
    whatever and then to connect this one to
    the repositories you need
    watches a watch will connect build
    or a repository with policies
    and then you can see the reports so
    the maintenance here is quite easy you
    have a very fragrant way to describe
    what’s important for you and how to
    react to this one in a generic way and
    then you can just combine
    it to different repositories the good
    thing here is that you can just
    create a watch to for this combination i
    will explain a little bit later
    if you are talking about the repository
    structure and what you can do here to
    kill rebuilds and to be really mutable
    so have this in mind rules are
    aggregated to policies and policies
    via watches are combined with the
    resource you want to
    you as a developer you have another task
    to implement a use case or proof of
    concept or whatever
    so what you’re doing you’re starting
    your ide you have a tiny fresh
    side project you just start from scratch
    assuming that you’re including java and
    using maven
    but you have different other yeah
    package managers as well so
    it’s not it’s only an example because
    i’m a java developer
    so you start writing your pom xml file
    and you add the first dependency because
    you don’t want to reinvent the wheel you
    don’t want to implement this sorting
    algorithm or whatever
    and then immediately you will see
    inside your ide so we are providing for
    intellij for eclipse vs code and all
    on an open source base plugins for the
    so if you have for example netbeans yes
    so far i
    don’t know it no plug-in for this one
    you could create for example for
    netbeans here and plug-in based on the
    we are providing on github but the main
    thing is how to use this one
    so you are adding this one and then you
    have this ide plug-in
    and you will see immediately this
    will have this security information it’s
    green and then you’re checking all
    transitive dependencies
    and you can see the license information
    as well
    how this looks like and how to how this
    handling is i will show you for
    intellij and this is the next thing
    okay next is the integration inside the
    i’m using here intellij but we have
    plugins for different other
    ides for example eclipse or vs code
    so have a look at the web page
    and see what version and plugin is
    available for your id
    here for this one i have to install this
    it means i’m going to the plugins
    searching for jfrogner will find the
    jfrog plugin
    in my case it’s already downloaded and
    because i’m using it already
    so after you install this plugin you
    have the configuration page
    in intellij it’s under other settings
    jfrog x-ray configuration
    you can add the url the username
    password and check
    if you have a connection to your
    instance in my case it’s an x-ray
    version 3.2.6
    and that’s it now it’s available the
    functionality is available inside your
    for this demo i’m using a maven a very
    easy and
    small maven project
    the typical workflow is you start adding
    a dependency after this it depends on
    your ide you have to
    or your configuration you have to
    trigger a reload
    of this reload of the definition
    some some people have it activated on
    default and auto reload
    and i i just do it manually
    so now the ide knows i have this
    dependency comes collections with
    version 3.2
    and then i can go to my plugin
    here i have the license info selected so
    i see our comments collection this
    version is running on the apache license
    and i can have a look at the security
    issues as well
    so if this is not available you can just
    sometimes reload sometimes it’s already
    loaded sometimes you
    are doing it manually then you can see
    here the coins collections
    there are right now three
    security issues and the good thing is
    you can see here as well if there is a
    fixed version available
    for every security issue you have after
    this you can decide
    if you want to have this fixed with an
    up or downgrade of the version number or
    if you are fixing
    transitive dependencies for example i
    have something with transitive
    let’s see how fast it’s today with my
    internet connection so
    i’m selecting just another dependency
    from a little bit
    bigger project i have my
    main reload this performs
    just depending on the internet
    connection you have
    and um my one is not the best so it will
    a few seconds to get this information
    after you’ve got this information so the
    id was able to load all dependencies you
    have the new dependency tree here
    it could happen that sometimes you have
    to say okay please ask jfrog now
    for this new dependency tree you have in
    your project
    it will connect to the x-ray instance
    and again it depends a little bit on the
    internet connection you have
    then you will see here the compound tree
    is the dependency
    here it’s vardin and if you’re clicking
    inside you can now navigate through the
    transitive dependencies
    green red or orange for the different
    and if you check here for example
    zavardine charts
    with this version is consuming or has a
    transitive dependency to
    jackson cool uh the jackson data bind
    in this version and the transitive
    dependencies from
    jackson data bind they are green so
    here is no issue but the jigsaw data
    bind itself
    has some issues here you have the
    information what is
    inside and the good thing is again you
    if there are some fixed versions already
    here for example for this one we don’t
    have a fixed version until
    now so now it’s up to you to decide if
    you want to
    override the transitive dependencies if
    you want to exclude charts because
    you’re not using it or if you are going
    to a different variety in version itself
    so really
    this is project depending but the whole
    thing is you have the possibility to
    the whole dependency tree that’s it
    so even if you’re just adding a
    dependency to your project
    the good thing is that you are informed
    immediately if you have some compliance
    or some
    security issues so that’s it
    with uid integration
    you saw now how this is realized in this
    ide plugin
    and this was just an example of this
    intellij but it’s available for other
    ideas as well
    so this is a way a developer would see
    it immediately
    and now i want to just
    show you how it’s available on on the
    web ui and for this i’m taking an
    example for example
    the next step so we coded the
    application now we want to wrap it
    on linux docker so that we can provide
    it later on
    kubernetes so what what you’re doing if
    you want to wrap your application
    your fed jar for example that’s running
    inside the dockerfile
    you start with the dockerfile then the
    first line
    from and bang here we have it
    we are using a base image and this base
    you have to analyze so this docker image
    will be based on debian ubuntu
    alpine whatever and immediately you
    should have view
    on what is going on on this operation
    level operating system level if you have
    library somewhere in your linux
    distribution that
    is uh critical and then you can decide
    if you want to have this package or your
    explicit de-installing
    it or or or so
    the tip will show you um how to get this
    information about docker images and
    over the java site but this time with a
    web ui so what we see now is how to
    create a rule
    how to combine different rules policies
    how to create a watch and how this
    report will be accessible
    inside your web ui and then you will see
    that from your application your tiny jar
    up to the operation system and the
    docker image
    you will see everywhere in this tree
    what’s going on because
    x-ray know the whole dependency tree
    it means after we combined the different
    x-ray knows okay this jar
    is inside this layer inside this docker
    image and this docker image is based on
    this linux and this linux will have this
    glipc whatever version
    inside every time we are
    scanning or we are updating the security
    database immediately if we are pushing
    this one to our installations
    if you are not connected to the internet
    because you’re on prem you can just
    download on a regular basis security
    database and provide it internally
    immediately if you have this one the
    whole graph will be rescanned
    and it means even if you provided it
    yesterday you binary your docker image
    and it’s
    running on production and if you know
    something new it will show you
    that this image is infected how this
    looks like how this report looks like
    i will show you on the web ui now
    okay let’s have a look at the jfrog
    platform x-ray
    installation um this
    is here my surface service instance but
    you can have the same as
    this one on on-prem um if you want to
    try out what i’m showing here right now
    um i will
    give you the link for the trials a
    little bit later
    so you can ramp up a trial it will take
    10 minutes or so and then you have a
    whole platform
    on a cloud or in a cloud and then you
    can try all this
    by yourself so if you have your platform
    log in and go to the point menu point
    security and compliance
    here we’ll have two different menu
    you have to start with policies because
    are used inside watches
    a policy is a stateless definition
    what should happen if you find something
    depending on your definitions i will
    create now a new policy
    i have to define a logical name for this
    policy minus demo
    if you have to deal with a lot of
    policies just think about
    naming schemas or that this is scaling
    of the time
    um first of all you have to decide if it
    is something
    from the area security or license or
    compliance issues
    i will select security you can add a
    but have in mind that this description
    must be in sync with all changes
    you are doing all the time so i
    just leave it blank here right now a
    is a composition of rules
    and rules is a fine grain thing here
    exactly the same like a few seconds
    you need a logical name then
    you can choose what’s a pre
    you can just use some predefined levels
    or you can define the cvss score by
    i just say grab everything
    and now you know how sensitive this
    should be
    this rule and the next thing is
    you have to um define what is the action
    that should
    should be triggered or the thing that
    should happen
    so generate valet violation
    sorry for this generate violation is
    just an
    thing or is just the entry in the web ui
    will show you in a few minutes
    but you can trigger webhooks to
    integrate with third-party programs or
    other infrastructure components
    you can notify the platform user itself
    or external ones as well via email if
    you want
    you can block downloads so x-ray is
    always connected to an artifactory
    and if you want to make sure that
    infected or
    affected components are not even inside
    your repository as you can just say here
    block download if something is unscanned
    if you want to block yes now
    the same for release bundles and the
    most common thing
    is failing a build yes i know this can
    be used
    from pipelines and tim city and
    jenkins whatever ci you’re using
    i’m just generating the violation
    now i have this rule inside my policy
    and i can just create it now
    the next step is creating a watch
    creating watch means that you are
    the policies or a policy you created
    with the resources you want to have a
    look at so i will say
    new watch the same here a logical name
    watch demo
    and now you have to decide
    what are the resources you want to look
    at i’m just
    selecting a few repositories i have here
    for example i have my docker you can
    filter here for example
    i have my bin tray my docker removed
    and that’s it so these two repositories
    are now scanned
    that means this watch is connected to
    this repository
    and now i have to say what should happen
    i’m just selecting the policies i want
    have combined here the policy demo is
    now associated with this watch
    and i can create everything
    after this is done you have this
    here in this many paint porches and you
    can see
    what are the connected resources and you
    calculate the amount of violations here
    you will have
    zero because i just created this
    watch and there was no
    trigger to recalculate everything
    because there was no change
    not inside the repository no build was
    triggered nothing
    but you can trigger it manually
    for example just have a look at the last
    90 days or whatever you want to define
    and then it will start calculate this
    it will take a few seconds but i have
    prepared here
    something a little bit earlier this one
    oh let’s go back so if i’m going here to
    calculate you will see
    here you have this 400 and something
    you can have a detailed list
    you can filter this list if you want
    you have this one and then you can just
    grab one of these items you want to have
    a look at
    you see this small text snip that will
    give you a short information
    you see what’s the level
    the classification level of this
    security issue
    and what is the resource we found it in
    what is a component here it’s a debian
    docker image and it’s used in my
    created docker image that is based on
    this component or it’s
    containing this component debian buster
    if you’re clicking here you will see the
    impact graph
    so it’s insert the db and bust ip tables
    binary inside this docker layer
    inside my image
    so some additional information is here
    the good thing is all of this is
    available via rest
    as well it means if you want to have
    this information for your reporting
    or whatever you want to do with this or
    you want to trigger some external
    um other infrastructure parts
    you can do this via rest you can consume
    this information or you can just
    trigger a web book so this is the web ui
    and the
    core functionality of x-ray the web ui
    the ide
    view those views you saw so now you have
    the knowledge
    how to create the rules the policies
    combine it with watches how to
    make it visible in the web ui inside
    your ide so you can start from scratch
    and we are able to scan everything until
    we have a docker image and even the
    stock image we can provide in our own
    great kubernetes now now i want to have
    this docker image created so that i have
    a bunch of docker containers and managed
    by kubernetes
    if you’re checking the um documentation
    or the internet and reportings and all
    this stuff
    about security and kubernetes you will
    see that
    a bunch of the major things are trivial
    smallest trivial things for example one
    thing is
    don’t use plain text passwords okay
    but again don’t use plain text passwords
    it’s done again and again but
    this is nothing that you can do as a
    developer during your coding your use
    it’s something that must be for the more
    operational parcel
    who is responsible for uh the the
    yeah the kubernetes cluster itself so
    how to deal with um
    passwords then again you see a lot of
    comments about
    using unsecure libraries okay
    if you’re killing them during the
    implementation phase then you don’t have
    this challenge later
    bugs in software okay that’s every time
    the same if you have bugs bugs are bad
    think about security payload injection
    to make sure that
    knowing issues are not used for example
    to break in
    operating system bugs operating system
    as security issues again we are on linux
    level and docker level so you check here
    with x-ray then you’re on a good path
    outdated docker images sure if you’re
    just using provided images and you’re
    not updating them by yourself
    then it’s a big security risk so if
    you’re using a provided docker image
    just make your in docker image make an
    update of all libraries scan it with
    x-ray even if it is
    the official jenkins plugin docker image
    so just grab it and scan it once
    and then make sure that you’re fixing
    all stuff that will be
    shown untrusted images it’s the same so
    it’s just
    grabbing information somewhere and let
    it run now you’re going out
    over artifactory it will be scanned if
    it is not secured will be blocked
    and not going to production so these are
    more or less operational things
    but you as a developer what you can can
    you do to
    to do it for example using just the
    quantity security features that are
    provided sure
    if they are available use them it’s
    maybe not trivial but
    use them but now as a developer
    what you can really actively do is that
    you are reducing the
    amount of attack vectors that can be
    used from application
    up to the docker layer so it means not
    only the
    secure socket layer communication
    between all nodes so that you don’t have
    a man in the middle attack
    sure this one but this is more or less
    even configuration again
    but now we are coming to how to manage
    docker images don’t use untrusted ones
    sure go to your repository only verified
    by you
    verified docker images and scanned by
    x-ray and these stock images
    use it and then we have a challenge with
    kubernetes if something will be
    where’s the source they’re looking
    through but
    you’re hardening your images you’re
    hardening the operating system that’s
    used inside
    and continuously rescan so if it pass
    you in production as i mentioned earlier
    we are scanning it immediately if there
    is in your build if there is a change in
    the repository and
    if there is an update in the security
    database and if this
    is not enough you can start to reskin
    manually or via rest interface by
    so that you just make sure if it’s not
    done during the last eight hours or
    whatever you want to have
    just rescan it again to house the
    information if there’s something
    that is critical okay updating lips
    changing your dependencies let x-ray
    help you
    so we have one thing that is not
    easy if you are now leaving the
    application docker linux
    layer because we want to talk about
    kubernetes and how to do the last steps
    the last step is
    if you have docker images you must make
    sure that your kubernetes stick is
    explicit using
    your repository to grab this
    docker image even if you’re selecting
    official ones
    so how to make sure how to deal with
    this for this
    we have a tiny open source project you
    can see it’s actively maintained so
    uh grab it it’s called qnap and that’s
    available on the jfrog
    qnap on github so it’s open source check
    and it’s a kubernetes dynamic administ
    at mission weapon complicated word for
    so what it what it is doing is
    it will make sure that first of all all
    images that are requested are pulled
    from some
    special repository that is under your
    control and scanned and only what’s say
    inside and free it could be instantiated
    and the next thing is if you have a new
    version of this docker image
    you must make sure that as soon as
    active instance are killed and
    redeployed within your version so that
    you have more control about this one and
    how to manage
    where is the source where grabbing all
    the stuff so that kubernetes is just
    green images this is for example done
    with qnap
    so have a look at this one and now we
    have from application development over
    how to update the linux stack how to
    deal with docker images and make sure
    that you have clean layers
    um up to how to manage these stock
    images in
    kubernetes and it’s under control how
    long it will
    uh live and how fast it will be updated
    in which way will
    it will be updated and what docker
    images are used so
    this is um yeah and the next thing
    will be how to optimize your repository
    and see you in a second
    okay speed up your ci and true
    this is a very powerful concept and i
    will show you right now
    what this is we saw that the most stuff
    that we are doing is more or less
    at some point to a repository so
    repository is something very important
    in your ci environment to
    speed up um if you’re just thinking
    there is an outsides reposit outside
    repository and you have an
    inside one because you want to scan it
    for security and
    compliance issues and the next thing is
    if you’re grabbing something from the
    outside world it’s stored in your own
    this node you can think like a caching
    note as well so
    it’s coming from the outside of the low
    bandwidth it’s inside your network
    nearby and talking about maven for
    it’s coming from pinterest it’s coming
    from from maven central
    stored in artifactory locally and then
    again you will have
    on the machine you’re compiling in dot
    m2 folder
    a copy as well so um
    this is just caching and the easy
    structure but you can do
    way more with repositories but there are
    some challenges
    for example if you’re talking about a
    hierarchy of repositories if you want to
    have a hierarchy but
    because you have inside your company
    different departments different groups
    that are working on different products
    or whatever
    and you want to share information then
    you have the single point of entrance
    so that you can scan here for the harder
    thing and then you want to share
    internally some some
    libraries you have for example one
    and two child and the child and you’re
    working with this child
    you can push information there you can
    check here for something and something
    from the outside world will go through
    the whole hierarchy
    and will be in your dedicated cache if
    you’re pushing now because you are now
    on develop
    and this snapshot you want to share with
    some other teams or some other parts
    why i don’t care about this one right
    now it’s just you want to share the
    then you have this for example pushing
    it to your own repository everything is
    green and then
    how to share it so if you’re going to
    save links you can just
    push to their repository
    you could push to the father and then it
    will be
    just collected or requested from the
    other one because they are the newer
    terms zone
    whatever you’re choosing the challenge
    here is that
    the process will be different so if
    going just compiling pushing to your own
    repository there’s an easy one and then
    sometimes you’re just pushing to an
    other repository as well so it’s just a
    question of time that you have a bunch
    of different
    pushing whatever things and it’s just a
    question of time that something will
    and the other thing is every child is a
    superset of its parents so it means
    you want to clean up this stuff you have
    to maintain it so how to make sure that
    repositories are not constantly growing
    because you have a lot of feature
    builds you have a lot of developer
    builds that you just don’t need anymore
    because they are not relevant for for
    the later lifetime
    so this is a question how to deal with
    this one
    so think about what is the right place
    to to push
    something to share it in between and how
    to make sure that
    no version that is just
    or that there is no bad version that’s
    bleeding between different builds how to
    get rid of this
    with a classical organization like trees
    you have the challenge that sometimes
    snapshots are bleeding
    over different builds and you have to
    rebuild and rebuild again or to make
    sure that this caching of maven for
    is not working against you so how to how
    to deal with this one
    artifactory has one very powerful
    concept called
    virtual repository mostly people are
    using virtual repositories just to
    several external repositories to one
    logical name and requesting this one
    this is good if you want to have single
    entrant from different resources you’re
    just adding one more external resource
    and you’re pushing it
    to an internal one but you can use it
    for several other things
    thinking about that a virtual repository
    is a very light one thing
    but you can declare x-ray to scan this
    virtual repository or their
    corresponding remote or local repository
    and the virtual repository has a
    possibility if you’re pushing to the
    virtual repository
    so it’s not only read it’s read write so
    if you’re pushing to a virtual
    repository you can declare
    where is the default repository or
    what’s the default repository to push
    um through so you’re pushing to the
    virtual one and in the virtual one
    there is a default location okay this
    local one is where it should be
    normally so this is a good thing you
    have it both ways
    but just for aggregating it’s not really
    perfect thinking about the frequency of
    created binary so
    if you are building on feature branches
    you are creating a lot of binaries you
    can just throw away
    immediately if you are merging on
    develop all changes from the feature
    branch are in develop they are rebuild
    and then you have these changes here you
    can immediately delete all features
    builds from
    from the past what it means at this
    if you’re doing it with every stage the
    amount of binaries you
    should store are smaller and smaller and
    smaller and the frequency is lower
    but you’re not getting rid of rebuilds
    so rebuilds mean you have a long running
    and something is going wrong and then
    you’re starting from scratch and doing
    the whole stuff again it’s time
    consuming it’s resource intensive
    it’s not fast how to deal with this one
    thinking about virtual repositories
    everything can be created via rest api
    as i mentioned before in artifactory and
    virtual repositories are very light one
    and you can create a lot of tiny local
    repositories for example remote
    repositories as well but here we are
    talking about
    local repositories and thinking about a
    inside build so you want to build now
    the developer branch
    so you have step one two three and so on
    and the first one is doing something and
    creating a binary
    and this will be the input for the next
    step because you’re doing the next
    step in your build chain what you can do
    is you can say i have a virtual
    and in this virtual repository it’s not
    only my father to collect
    stuff that’s already existing but i have
    a local one
    that i’m pushing through my result of my
    the next step is using the same virtual
    repository creating its
    its own local repository
    and everything that the second step is
    producing its push to the
    second local repository the third step
    we’ll see now the result from one
    from two and from the parent and this is
    going on so
    for example if step number whatever is
    you can just restart with this step
    all interim steps are persisted
    so far it means if you have a long
    running pipeline
    you can break at every time and you can
    restart it every time again so you can
    freely choose at what stage you want to
    start with rebuild and
    it makes sense just start rebuilding
    with a failed
    step so don’t rebuild stuff if you have
    a binary just use it
    as long as possible it will save time it
    will save resource and it will minimize
    the amount of storage you are using so
    make sure that the concept of virtual
    repositories here using
    all the whole production line that’s
    it and the last thing i want to mention
    here is
    the power of integration if you have an
    existing infrastructure
    the power of integration is one of the
    good things you know that
    all products of jfrog can be available
    in the cloud or on-prem or hybrid
    it means some parts can be in the cloud
    and then you can connect to an internal
    and combine this freely so you have both
    to the cloud and back and everything in
    but mostly you will have some kind of
    so looking at x-ray here for example
    because we are talking about security
    you can not only break build or send
    notifications via mail but you can start
    web hooks and everything is available
    virus api
    what does it mean if something is
    happening you can start with a webhook
    a different path in your pipeline so you
    can have dynamic paths
    or dynamic processors you can switch and
    you can trigger
    external processes the next thing is if
    you start trigging for example a
    compliance tool that you’re using for
    it can go through x-ray and requesting
    the data via the rest api to generate
    the reports
    or to whatever so third-party products
    can integrate with a whole
    infrastructure that is built up on
    on jfrog and you can start working with
    dynamic workflows you can
    create your own report with your
    compliance toolings and so on
    so have a look at this rest api
    and the possibility to start webhooks
    and to
    be managed by a rest api this is a very
    powerful thing if you want to try all
    this stuff by yourself
    it is easy because you are just going to
    this platform
    and then you can start a trial it will
    take approximately 10 or 15 minutes
    and then you have the whole ecosystem
    ramped up for you
    in your environment of your choice
    amazon google
    and i don’t know you will see it if you
    don’t use this one you don’t want to go
    to cloud you can have the team on prem
    as a trial but if you’re ramping it up
    after 15 minutes in the cloud you have
    this trial then you have artifactory you
    have x-ray you have pipelines sci build
    um ci environment and then you can start
    all this stuff
    what you should do is just start this
    then create a remote maven repository so
    that you can grab stuff or docker
    repository whatever technology you want
    to use
    then create a watch that’s looking
    exactly at this repository how it’s done
    i showed you before but you can see it
    and on youtube there are some some
    screen cards about it
    then connect your maven repository or
    your maven pump file to this remote
    repository that you created right now
    and then make a mavenclean verify after
    you added some dependencies
    and surprise surprise you can see
    what is going wrong with the dependency
    you’re just
    using and edit so and
    yeah well you can do it with your ide
    plugin as well so all in general
    if you are going through this one you
    can do in less than an hour or two hours
    if you have some more time take some
    more time but um
    this can be done very easily so just
    try it i will say thank you at this
    if you want to reach me because you have
    more questions or you want to just
    stay in touch the best way to reach me
    is twitter
    and um i’m more than happy to have
    feedback and
    start a discussion with you about the
    topics devsecops java kotlin mutation
    testing tdd whatever
    just call me and so far i would say
    thank you very much for attending and