PLATFORM: Enabling the JFrog Bucket License Screen During Fresh Installation and Onboarding of JFrog’s Platform

PLATFORM: Enabling the JFrog Bucket License Screen During Fresh Installation and Onboarding of JFrog’s Platform

Itamar Berman-Eshel

JFrog Platform offers all of JFrog’s services as a unified experience. There is a prerequisite to install Artifactory version 7 before we install other JFrog services such as JFrog Xray, JFrog Mission Control, JFrog Edge, JFrog Distribution and the latest JFrog Pipelines. However, we would need an Enterprise plus bucket license and onboard it to activate the above services.


Follow these steps, in order, to onboard a bucket license during the installation of JFrog Platform:

  1. Install Artifactory version 7.x.
  1.  Install Mission Control version 4.x.
  1. Start the Artifactory service.
  2. In the UI, go to Administration > Security > Connection Details. Provide the administrator password and fetch the join.key details by clicking on the clipboard icon.

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  1. Start the Mission Control service by providing the join.key and jfrogurl (i.e., the URL used to connect your Artifactory services) from Step #4.
  2. Upon successful start go the UI and refresh you should now see that Mission Control and Artifactory have been activated, which means you may now begin onboarding in the license screen.
  3. Select a bucket option and upload the bucket.

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  1. After the onboarding process has been completed, go to the Administration > License > License Bucket screen and attach the license for your Artifactory instance.

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  1. Refresh your screen.

Thereafter, your JFrog Platform will be ready to use.