When rolling back from a Sharding to a Non-Sharding Binary Store, you can choose between two options which include wether there will be a downtime.
For Option #1 (which will impact downtime), you must:
For Option #2 (which will not impact downtime), you must:
When rolling back from a Sharding to a Non-Sharding Binary Store, you can choose between two options which include wether there will be a downtime.
For Option #1 (which will impact downtime), you must:
- Perform rsync to make sure all storage files are copied to both locations
- Shut down Artifactory
- Change your binary store XML file to the previous version
- Restart Artifactory
For Option #2 (which will not impact downtime), you must:
- Stop your Garbage Collector
- Change your binary store configuration, set the redundancy to 2, and perform a rolling restart
- Change your binary store XML file to update your simple file system configuration and then perform a rolling restart