In this short video, we will go over LDAP configuration best practices in Artifactory.
Video Transcript:
Hi, I’m Snir from JFrog Support. In this short video, I will show you LDAP configuration best practice. Let’s start.
Before recording this video, I configured an LDAP server and a new artifact. As you can see, it’s a pretty simple LDAP server, containing one group called, “Support,” and three wizards who belong to the school.
In Artifactory, we navigate to the admin tab, security and choose LDAP. Let’s configure new LDAP setting. Choose a name. I’ll call it simply, “My LDAP,” and insert the URL. We also need to add the matching BC. In this case, I choose to include everything present under the JFrog BC. So let’s copy it to the end and paste it in our URL.
Now we define the search filter. This is the attribute that Artifactory is going to look for in order to find a match to the username. I choose to filter the search by the UID attribute. The search base is used to narrow down the search to a more specific scope. The users in my LDAP server are configured under the people organizational unit, so I’ll use this. We also need to configure the admin of the LDAP server in order for Artifactory to connect to it. Let’s copy to the end of the LDAP admin and paste it in Artifactory. And of course, the password.
All set. Let’s test the configuration by authenticating one of the users. Great. The LDAP server is configured and ready for use.
That was my video on LDAP configuration best practice. Thank you for watching, and I hope you’ve enjoyed it. Feel free to leave your comments, feedback, or questions in the comments section below.