How to upgrade/Migrate from Artifactory standalone to Deb/RPM distribution

How to upgrade/Migrate from Artifactory standalone to Deb/RPM distribution

JFrog Support


If you are running Artifactory as a standalone distribution (*.zip) and would like to migrate to an .deb/.rpm distribution, or to upgrade as part of this migration, there are two options:

In case you are using the internal Derby DB (and want to keep it that way)

  1. First, install Artifactory from the desired distribution (RPM//Deb)

  2. Copy the entire content of your current Artifactory’s $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/data to its respective location on the newly installed server ($ARTIFACTORY_HOME/data).

  3. Start the new server.

In case you are using an external DB (and want to keep it)

  1. First, install Artifactory from the desired distribution (RPM//Deb)

  2. Copy the entire content of your current Artifactory’s $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/data/filestore to its respective location on the newly installed server ($ARTIFACTORY_HOME/data/filestore).

  3. Copy the from $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/etc to its respective location on the newly installed server ($ARTIFACTORY_ETC/).

  4. Copy the JDBC driver to $TOMACAT_HOME/lib.

  5. Start the new server.

In case you are going to change the current DB

  1. First, install Artifactory from the desired distribution (RPM//Deb)

  2. Perform a System Export and make sure to choose “Exclude Content”

  3. Copy the entire content of your current Artifactory’s $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/data/filestore to its respective location on the newly installed server ($ARTIFACTORY_HOME/data/filestore).

  4. Configure the relevant DB according to these instructions

  5. Start the new server.

  6. Perform System Import. - (Please make sure that there are __NO__ selected checkbox before performing the System Import).