How to Configure a Replication of a Repository with REST API

How to Configure a Replication of a Repository with REST API

Yarden Gitta

When creating a new repository in Artifactory from the UI, you’ll have to manually configure the replication settings. If it’s a local repository, you’ll have to specify the URL of the repository to which you’ll be pushing content. If it’s a remote repository proxying another Artifactory instance, you’ll have to configure your cron expression to set the frequency of replication.

If you’d like to automate the process of creating a local repository and replicating it to a remote repository in another Artifactory instance, you can do so by using the following REST APIs in sequence:

    1. Run the Create Repository REST API. This query consumes a JSON object that contains your repository configuration. It will look like this:

    "key" : "libs-release-local",
    "description" : "Local repository for in-house libraries",
    "notes" : "",
    "includesPattern" : "**/*",
    "excludesPattern" : "",
    "repoLayoutRef" : "maven-2-default",
    "enableNuGetSupport" : false,
    "enableGemsSupport" : false,
    "enableNpmSupport" : false,
    "enableDebianSupport" : false,
    "debianTrivialLayout" : false,
    "enablePypiSupport" : false,
    "enableDockerSupport" : false,
    "checksumPolicyType" : "client-checksums",
    "handleReleases" : true,
    "handleSnapshots" : false,
    "maxUniqueSnapshots" : 0,
    "snapshotVersionBehavior" : "unique",
    "suppressPomConsistencyChecks" : false,
    "blackedOut" : false,
    "propertySets" : [ "GTID", "artifactory" ],
    "archiveBrowsingEnabled" : false,
    "calculateYumMetadata" : false,
    "yumRootDepth" : 0,
    "rclass" : "local"


    2. Run the Set Repository Replication Configuration to configure your replication. This query consumes a JSON object to configure your replication. It will look like this:

    "url" : "{destination URL}",
    "socketTimeoutMillis" : 15000,
    "username" : "{destination URL username (if needed)}",
    "password" : "{destination URL password(if needed)}",
    "enableEventReplication" : false,
    "enabled" : false,
    "cronExp" : "0 0 /4 * * ?",
    "syncDeletes" : false,
    "syncProperties" : true,
    "repoKey" : "libs-release-local"


    If you’d like to format a JSON to create a remote repository and it’s replication JSON, use the Repository Configuration and Get Repository Replication Configuration REST APIs for existing repositories.