The following steps will help you if you'd like to create users who will be granted permissions only for specific repositories that they will manage:
Create your new user:
Admin tab > Security > Users > New
Follow the user-creation dialogue
Using the UI, navigate to the Admin-tab > Security > Permissions
Either click on the New button to create a new Permission Target or select an existing Permission Target and click Edit.
In the dialogue that appears, select the repository or repositories of interest that you wish your user to manage, and move them into the Selected Repositories section. Most likely you will need to untick the Any Local Repositories and Any Remote Repositories checkboxes.
Select the Users tab
Select Manage for the user that will be responsible for the repository or repositories you'd like managed. This will automatically select/tick all of the other permissions for this user, as well. (If there's a necessity to grant only highly targeted permissions, you can, of course, untick individual permissions.)
Upon completion, your user will only have those manage permissions you have granted and only for the repository(ies) to which they were assigned.