Getting Started with Projects [Video]

Getting Started with Projects [Video]

Shani Attias

Video Transcript
Hi, my name is Shani. I’m from JFrog Support. In this short video, I will introduce you to our new feature, projects.

So basically, projects, give us another managing dimension above all the resources that we’re already familiar with. It introduces several new concepts. And one of them that I want us to get familiar with before we dive in, is the Project Admin. As of now we are already familiar with the platform admin, which is in charge on the whole Artifactory platform while the Project Admin is the admin only for the specific project that he’s admin for. That means that the projects admin doesn’t have the same privileges as the platform. Okay. So let’s take a look at what projects are.

So here I have a fresh installation of Artifactory. I already went ahead and created some stuff, but let’s create a project from scratch. So, first thing I want you to notice is that I’m logged in as the platform admin, and to create a project, we need to go to the administration model and then click on projects. So you can see that I already have a project here, but let’s create a new one. Let’s give it a name. And we also need to fill in the project key. Okay. So the project key is a prefix that will basically be added to every new resources that we will create under this project. So I went ahead and called it pro1. We’ll know it belongs to this project. We also have the option to limit the storage for this specific project, but one hour limit is unlimited.

And as we already said, each project has a Project Admin. So here we can change the projects and the privileges. Let’s go and assign our Project Admin. Users that you see here are users that I’ve created before so let’s just pick this user. And we’ve created a new project. And this is how a project looks right now. We have one Project Admin. We don’t have any repositories under this project. That’s basically now I want to show you how it looks like for the Project Admin.

Okay. So now I’m logged as a Project Admin, and I’ve already switched here to view the project. Once we switched to view the project, we are granted with an option for the administration model. Why? Because now we are admins of the projects. So if you click here and then we click on your project overview, we are now able to see the same settings that we saw before as the platform admin. Okay. So let’s go ahead and build this project. Let’s set some repositories. I’ll create two local repositories.

And we have an option to choose whether this repository will be belonged to the DEV environment or to the production. So let’s go ahead and leave it as that for now. And I quickly create another repository for the production. Okay. So now we got two repositories. Now what we need our members for this project. So before we add members, we have an option to create roles. Roles are basically the permissions that we choose to grant for our members. So we have the global roles. Well, let’s go ahead and create one specific for us. So I’ll call this role DEV view.

And what I want to do is I want to keep it in the DEV environment. And I want to grant this role with the Read Artifacts permissions. Now, if you notice you also have the advanced tab. Basically this advanced tab show you what the permission is that you chose here are translated into. So if we choose the Write Artifacts and we click on advance, we can see that it translates into read, annotate, and deploy permissions. But let’s go ahead and leave it as read. And we’ve created a new role. And we need to assign this role to our members. So let’s click on members. Currently we only have the Project Admin, so let’s add another member. And let’s assign a role. That’s basically it. Okay. So if we go over to the project overview, we now have two repositories. We have the Project Admin, and we have one wall of their view, which under it, we have only one member. Okay. So let’s see how it looks like for this member.

Okay. So now I’m logged in as the product user. And if we click on Artifacts, we’re only able to see all our project repositories. And more than that, since the role that was rented only for the DEV environment, this user is only able to see DEV environment repositories. Remember, because we created two repositories and we can not see the production one over here. Okay guys. So that was my video on projects. Thank you for watching. And I hope you have enjoyed it. Feel free to leave your comments, feedback, or questions in the comments section below.