You may wonder why the replicated docker repositories' artifact counts are different.
It is usually because of the _upload folder. Please see this
The expected behavior is to remove all the content of the _uploads folder once a day.
If you want to verify how many artifacts are in the _upload folder.
You should run the AQL query or SQL query
For AQL,
curl -u admin: Password1 'http://ART_URL:8081/artifactory/api/search/aql' -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' -d 'items.find({"repo":"docker-local"},{"path":{"$match":"*_uploads"}})'
For SQL,
SELECT count(*) FROM nodes WHERE repo='docker-local' AND node_type=1 AND node_path like '%_uploads%';
Sometimes, you may see a big difference in Artfactory below 7.17.2 due to this bug
As a workaround, you can set the property value in seconds instead of milliseconds in file in the below 7.17.2 version.
Please don't forget to remove the above parameter once you upgrade to 7.17.2 and above.