State Management in Vue @VueJS Israel Meetup July 2022, Hosted at JFrog TLV [Hebrew]

JFrog is a proud host sponsor for this Meetup Event

July 13, 2022

< 1 min read

Vue Microfrontends – How Vuex Saved the Day (Evgeni Dikerman – JFrog)

We will describe the recent implementation of Microfrontends pattern and the crucial part of our state management (Vuex) in decoupling but yet share some data and common utils. In this session, we will talk about some Microfrontends best practices (and common errors), decisions that we took along the way, and challenges we had.

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Evgeni Dikerman

R&D Team Leader and Architect at JFrog

Evgeni joined JFrog in , in the middle of the battle for unification. The fight was hard but javascript won in the end. Evgeni is experienced and passionate about everything that has to do with front end development. Good problem solver and even better bug creator.