DataDrivenDevOps @ DevOps Days Charlotte 2020
February 28, 2020 13:01 pm
2 min read
“Without data, you’re just another person with opinions”.
In this talk, we’ll talk about data-driven DevOps and how the cross-cutting metrics from dev, QA, and ops can be integrated to provide you and the teams you support with an insight into the status of your engineering organization. As the DevOps Evangelists of your organization, you can help your teams to adopt data-driven decision making whereas it becomes more important due to cross-pillar influence and collaborated need for success. The practical aspect will cover dos and don’ts and examples of metrics that you can implement in to help your teams today.
Talk Materials
- Code Coverage
- Why Artifact Topology is Important
- Return on investment (ROI)
- Flow Efficency
- Smoke Testing
- JFrog Mission Control
- Created vs Resolved Issues Report
- Application performance management
- Lines of Code (LoC) metric
- JFrog Insight
- The Phoenix Project
- Culture Map
- Accelerate by Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble, and Gene Kim