Liquify Your Front End Version @ JFrog Israel Meetup – 2020 [Hebrew]

十一月 23, 2020

< 1 min read

Liquify Your Front End Version

You know when you attend a meetup and you have a lecture and then another one? Well, this meetup is going to be a bit different. We’ve decided that lectures are “passé” so we’re going for something different. This meetup will be a dialogue between two frogs: Evgeni Dikerman and Yonatan Arbel will discuss the latest solutions that were implemented in JFrog in order to be able to adjust their environment according to the microservices version the system is working with.

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Evgeni Dikerman

R&D Team Leader and Architect at JFrog

Evgeni joined JFrog in , in the middle of the battle for unification. The fight was hard but javascript won in the end. Evgeni is experienced and passionate about everything that has to do with front end development. Good problem solver and even better bug creator.

Yonatan Arbel

Team Leader at JFrog

Yonatan has been working at JFrog since 2016 as a front end developer, taking a part in development, and leadership. Yonatan loves experiencing technologies from front end to back end, learning at least one new thing every day.