Install the JFrog Platform

Here are your credentials and license keys

You're registered for a free 30-day trial. Use these credentials during installation:
Default Username:
Default Password:
Artifactory license key:
As provided in trial sign up email
Xray license key:
As provided in trial sign up email

Download & install JFrog

Minimum System Requirements: 8CPU, 16GB Memory, 300GB Fast Disk (3000+iops). External ports: 8081, 8082.

Which operating system / platform will you be installing JFrog on?

1. Add a Helm repository

helm repo add jfrog

2. Install the JFrog platform using a Helm Chart

helm install jfrog-platform --create-namespace -n jfrog-platform jfrog/jfrog-platform

Need help? visit the JFrog Help Center or contact us

1. Download the installer

curl "[RELEASE]/jfrog-platform-trial-prox-[RELEASE]-compose.tar.gz" -L -o jfrog-compose-installer.tar.gz -g

2. Extract the downloaded file

tar -xvzf jfrog-compose-installer.tar.gz

3. Enter the extracted directory

cd jfrog-platform-trial-pro*

4. Run the config script

sudo ./

5. Start RabbitMQ

sudo docker compose -p trial-pro-rabbitmq -f docker-compose-rabbitmq.yaml up -d

6. Start JFrog Artifactory and Xray

sudo docker compose -p trial-pro up -d

7. Open your browser and go to:


Need help? visit the JFrog Help Center or contact us

1. Download the installer

curl "[RELEASE]/jfrog-platform-trial-prox-[RELEASE]-compose.tar.gz" -L -o jfrog-compose-installer.tar.gz -g

2. Extract the downloaded file

tar -xvzf jfrog-compose-installer.tar.gz

3. Enter the extracted directory

cd jfrog-platform-trial-pro*

4. Run the config script


5. Start RabbitMQ

docker compose -p trial-pro-rabbitmq -f docker-compose-rabbitmq.yaml up -d

6. Start JFrog Artifactory and Xray

docker compose -p trial-pro up -d

7. Open your browser and go to:


Need help? visit the JFrog Help Center or contact us

1. Download the installer

wget -O jfrog-rpm-installer.tar.gz "[RELEASE]/jfrog-platform-trial-prox-[RELEASE]-rpm.tar.gz"

2. Extract it

tar -xvzf jfrog-rpm-installer.tar.gz

3. CD into directory

cd jfrog-platform-trial-pro*

4. Run the installer

sudo ./

5. Start Artifactory

sudo systemctl start artifactory.service

6. Start Xray

sudo systemctl start xray.service

7. Open your browser and go to:


Need help? visit the JFrog Help Center or contact us

1. Download the installer

wget -O jfrog-deb-installer.tar.gz "[RELEASE]/jfrog-platform-trial-prox-[RELEASE]-deb.tar.gz"

2. Extract it

tar -xvzf jfrog-deb-installer.tar.gz

3. CD into directory

cd jfrog-platform-trial-pro*

4. Run the installer

sudo ./

5. Start Artifactory

sudo systemctl start artifactory.service

6. Start Xray

sudo systemctl start xray.service

7. Open your browser and go to:


Need help? visit the JFrog Help Center or contact us