helping to deliver secure software updates from code to the edge.
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JFrog ArtifactoryとXrayのインストールにかかる時間はわずか10分間
JFrog Advanced Securityも試用版で使ってみませんか?[お申込みはこちら]
最小システム要件:8CPU、16GBメモリ、300GB高速ディスク(3000iops以上)。外部ポート:8081, 8082.
1. Add a Helm repository
aDocker Compose for Linux
Requires Docker Compose on Linux
1. Download the installer
a2. Extract the downloaded file
a3. Enter the extracted directory
a4. Run the config script
a5. Start RabbitMQ
a6. Start JFrog Artifactory and Xray
aDocker Compose for Mac
Requires Docker Compose
1. Download the installer
a2. Extract the downloaded file
a3. Enter the extracted directory
a4. Run the config script
a5. Start RabbitMQ
a6. Start JFrog Artifactory and Xray
aRPM for RHEL (8, 9)
1. Download the installer
a2. Extract it
a3. CD into directory
a4. Run the installer
a5. Start Artifactory
a6. Start Xray
aDebian for Debian (10, 11) / Ubuntu (20.04, 22.04)
1. Download the installer
a2. Extract it
a3. CD into directory
a4. Run the installer
a5. Start Artifactory
a6. Start Xray
JFrog ArtifactoryとJFrog Xrayの起動には約1分かかります。
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helping to deliver secure software updates from code to the edge.
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