It’s recommended to pass all the values in the previous release explicitly when running the upgrade command. This is to avoid falling back to any default values. Pay extreme attention to the secret you created, as failing to reference those in an upgrade action could result in new different values generated and breaking Xray. It'd be difficult to recover from such a case.
Note that you must always pass the version explicitly during the upgrade to avoid falling back to an old version. Also, if the bundled PostgreSQL is used, it is necessary to pass
to the helm upgrade command. This is to force you to take cautions and check if any unwanted property change is introduced to the bundled database. Consider using the –dry-run option to check if there’s any unexpected change introduced to the bundled postgresql db.
$ helm upgrade --install xray -f values.yaml jfrog/xray --set databaseUpgradeReady=true --version 103.44.1
Note that you must always pass the version explicitly during the upgrade to avoid falling back to an old version. Also, if the bundled PostgreSQL is used, it is necessary to pass
--set databaseUpgradeReady=true
to the helm upgrade command. This is to force you to take cautions and check if any unwanted property change is introduced to the bundled database. Consider using the –dry-run option to check if there’s any unexpected change introduced to the bundled postgresql db.