CREATE USER xray WITH PASSWORD 'xray'; CREATE DATABASE xraydb WITH OWNER=xray ENCODING='UTF8'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE xraydb TO xray;In order to connect the external database with Xray, certain changes must be made on the values.yaml used.
Step 1: Disable the bundled PostgreSQL
postgresql: enabled: falseStep 2: Add the external database configuration as shown below
database: type: "postgresql" driver: "org.postgresql.Driver" ## If you would like this chart to create the secret containing the database url, user, password - use these below values url: "postgres://xray-postgresql.default.svc.cluster.local:5432/xraydb?sslmode=disable" user: xray password: xray
Final Values should look like below
unifiedUpgradeAllowed: true xray: jfrogUrl: <Provide JFrogUrl> joinKeySecretName: joinkey-secret masterKeySecretName: masterkey-secret name: xray persistence: mountPath: /var/opt/jfrog/xray rabbitmq: enabled: true replicaCount: 1 resources: requests: memory: "512Mi" cpu: "256m" limits: memory: "1Gi" cpu: "500m" auth: username: guest password: "Password@123" postgresql: enabled: false database: type: "postgresql" driver: "org.postgresql.Driver" url: "postgres://xray-postgresql.default.svc.cluster.local:5432/xraydb?sslmode=disable" user: xray password: xray
Now, deploy Xray using the below command
$ helm install xray -f values.yaml jfrog/xray --version 103.43.1