1. Stop Xray completely
2. Install the btree_gist Extension: Ensure that the required PostgreSQL extension, "btree_gist", is installed on the database server. Follow these steps:
Manual Installation:
a. Determine the version of bundled PostgreSQL currently installed.
b. Visit the official PostgreSQL repository for RHEL/CentOS at the following URL: https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/
c. Download the appropriate PostgreSQL . contrib package version and install them.
b. Visit the official PostgreSQL repository for RHEL/CentOS at the following URL: https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/
c. Download the appropriate PostgreSQL . contrib package version and install them.
3. Once the extension is installed, verify its availability by executing the following SQL
select * from pg_available_extensions; select * from pg_extension;
4. Create the Extension: Using a superuser (such as the postgres superuser), create the "btree_gist" extension with the following SQL command:
5. Clear Failed Migration: To resolve any pending issues related to failed migrations in Xray's database (assuming the database name is "xraydb"), connect to the database and execute:
\c xraydb delete from db_migrations_running;
6. After completing the above steps, start Xray and verify if the issue is resolved.
If you continue to encounter difficulties or require further assistance, please contact our support team.