Deleting the affected plugins
In order to permanently delete the plugins you must remove the plugin from both the plugins folder which is under Art_home/etc/plugins and from the Artifactory instance database.
In the database of your Artifactory instance go to: Apps → Tables → Configs
Delete the related files in this table and reload the plugins on each node. For example, if your plugin generated files with cat in the name then you may find and delete all of those like
delete from configs where CONFIG_NAME like '%cat%';
You may need to delete it using upper case, too
delete from configs where CONFIG_NAME like '%Cat%';
Corrupted Plugin Dependencies
If the checksums of the plugin dependencies do not match between the primary and secondary nodes, the delete process above may not resolve your issue.
The workaround for this is to manually redeploy dependencies $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/etc/plugins/libs under a different name. Do not delete the original corrupted dependencies
- Make a copy of the original plugin dependencies
- Rename these dependencies to something different
- move these renamed files to each secondary node's $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/etc/plugins/libs
- Do not delete the original corrupted dependencies