A known issue in Artifactory can result in Artifactory not propagating user plugins and/or dependencies correctly. Loading a plugin on a primary node involves committing the contents of $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/etc/plugins to the database, where it is deployed to the secondary nodes. A missed delete event means that the plugin objects still reside in the database, where the plugin will continue to be loaded despite being "deleted". Corruption may occur while the files are being extracted from the database and can cause the propagated Plugins on the secondary nodes to fail.
These are some symptoms of these issues:
- reload plugin REST API does not appear to have an effect on secondary nodes
- Deleting a plugin on the primary node does not appear to propagate the change to the secondary nodes.
- Attempting to execute a plugin on a secondary node fails while the primary node works.
- Running sha1sum on plugin files and comparing the results between the primary and secondary nodes return different checksums