Troubleshooting SAML Problems


Patrick Russell

To assist you in troubleshooting, use Artifactory's debug logger to decrypt and display the XML assertions from Steps #1 and #3. You can turn the debug logger on by adding the following XML snippet to your $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/etc/logback.xml file, which will cause SAML XML data to be sent to your $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/logs/artifactory.log file:

[Warning: This logger prints SAML XML Assertions to a log file!]
<logger name="org.artifactory.addon.sso.saml">
        <level value="debug"/>

This doesn't require a restart to take effect. 

Keep in mind that this will display encrypted SAML information in plaintext. No passwords are contained in this information, but email addresses and group associations will be stored in a log file. Once debugging is complete, you should remove the debug logger.

As there are numerous locations where either your SAML SSO endpoint or Artifactory URL may need to be specified, most SAML problems arise from the use of an incorrect URL. And while every SAML provider is different, these are several solutions that are helpful to resolving common problems.

SAML’s Auto-Redirect Prevents Logins

Typically, when you tick the Auto-Redirect Login option in Artifactory’s SAML settings, you won’t be able to log in via the internal Artifactory prompt. If your SAML setup isn't correct, you might even find yourself locked out of Artifactory altogether. You can bypass this by going directly to the Artifactory login menu at:



Logging Out via SAML Fails

When Artifactory logs you out, you should be sent back to the SAML provider to sign out of the external system. A logout failure can happen if your SAML provider expects a signed LogoutRequest, which is an action that Artifactory cannot perform automatically (although this known, product improvement request issue, about which more information is available HERE , is currently being addressed). If your SAML provider is facing this kind of error, you can use your Artifactory web page as the logout endpoint:

User-added image

After SAML Login, Returning to Artifactory Fails

This is usually due to some misconfiguration on the SAML provider side, but there is one place in Artifactory where your return URL might not have been set up correctly. Artifactory uses a custom base URL setting as a fallback if network headers don’t provide a URL. As this setting might be involved in the problem, try updating it at: Admin > Configuration > General Configuration in Artifactory 6.X and Admin > General > Settings in Artifactory 7.X. Please ensure the URL matches the current web browser's endpoint:

User-added image

Otherwise, double-check the settings from your SAML provider, especially if the URL that browsers are sent to matches the SAML Provider's configuration. For example, in OneLogin, the redirect URL is specified on the SAML provider side, as follows:

User-added image
If the SAML-side URL is wrong, a user's web browser will be sent to the wrong destination after logging in.

SAML Groups Disappear or Do Not Persist After a Logout

SAML SSO is based entirely around using a web browser. While SAML group information can be sent to and used by Artifactory, the application will not persist a SAML group's members as a security precaution.

Consider a situation where a particular user was removed from a SAML-based administrators group. Before this happened, they recorded their Artifactory API key or access token. As long as the user doesn’t log in via the SAML SSO mechanism, they’ll be able to use CLI tools, such as Maven, with the same access level they had before they were removed. There is no universal way for Artifactory to update the SAML user's groups without the SSO process.