Be aware of the following limitations of geolocation.
Synchronicity of JPDs: This setup will not affect the synchronization between your JPDs. To facilitate seamless failover, both JPDs must be kept synchronized and up-to-date by you, achievable through your use of Federated Repositories and Access Federation within the limitations described in the documentation, such as - Federated repository does not support sync of JFrog Xray data and the solution is only for Artifactory data.
In active/active setups, some discrepancy between JPDs may occur due to federation lag. Therefore, we recommend that you use this for “read only” or on edge instances only.
Edge: For edge setups, syncing only occurs from the main instance to the edge, and not from edge to the main instance. For more information, see JFrog Distribution.
You may not define overlapping geographic locations. Geolocation maps IP addresses to locations. In the event of requests from unidentifiable locations the response will return an unresolved response.
For a list of countries on each continent, refer here.
In the event that a location has been blocked via geolocation restrictions it will also be blocked in the selection list.
Private Endpoint: You can use a geolocation routing policy for records in private hosted zones. Select the continent, country, or sub-division closest to the region of your resource.