DNS Routing in MyJFrog

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A routing policy lets you define a single jfrog.io routing URL and to direct traffic over it to topology members based on DNS logic.

Subscription Information

This feature is supported on JFrog Cloud platform, with an Enterprise+ license.

Primary Admins, Admins, and technical users can create and manage the different DNS policies.


This feature does not affect the synchronization between your JPDs. It is upon you to ensure data and all security configurations between JPDs are synced and up-to-date.

Docker subdomains are not supported.

Know Before You Use

  • You may create up to 10 routing policies (with 10 different routing URLs) per subscription.

    You can use a routing URL once per routing policy (Manual Failover or Geolocation).

  • Synchronicity of JPDs: This setup will not affect the synchronization between your JPDs. To facilitate seamless failover, both JPDs must be kept synchronized and up-to-date by you, achievable through your use of Federated Repositories and Access Federation within the limitations described in the documentation, such as - Federated repository does not support sync of JFrog Xray data and the solution is only for Artifactory data.Federated Repositories

  • You must setup all security configurations, georestrictions, allowlist, and private endpoints for each JPD.

    You need to switch private endpoints manually to the secondary region during a failover event unless your provider supports multi-region setups. For example, Azure supports multi-region setups. If different providers are used, private endpoints will not work during a failover.

  • This solution is implemented using the AWS Route 53 service, which serves DNS requests for all supported cloud providers.

Manual Failover Routing Policy

Use when you want to configure active-passive failover between two JPDs in different regions.

Geolocation Routing Policy

Use when you want to route traffic based on the location of your users (the location that DNS queries originate from). You may define 2-10 JPDs, in different regions, under one routing URL.

  • We recommend that you set up instances such as edges or JPDs in “read only” mode to ensure synchronization is consistent.

  • In active/active setups, some discrepancy between JPDs may occur due to federation lag.

  • Geolocation maps IP addresses to locations
In the event of requests from unidentifiable locations the response will return an unresolved response.

Set Up a Custom Domain Name

To use a custom domain name to point to your routing URL:

  • Set up a custom domain name.

  • Set up a policy with a routing URL.

  • Under your domain, in the DNS records, point your domain to the routing URL instead of the specific JPDs as specified in the last step of the custom domain name set up