- Obtain the server certificate from the target URL by using the command below:
- openssl s_client -connect <Target_url>:443 -showcerts < /dev/null > target.crt
- Place the certificate (target.crt) in the /var/opt/jfrog/artifactory/etc/security/keys/trusted/ folder in the source (main JPD) and ensure that the ownership of the certificate file is changed to the Artifactory OS user/groups.
- Restart Artifactory.
- Click the "Get Server Details" button. This should resolve the error.
- If you encounter another error, check the mc-request-out.log file.
- Finally, provide a pairing token from the target Artifactory. In the target, go to the Administration tab, then to User Management > Access Tokens > Pairing Token to generate the pairing token for Mission Control.