Description: Stop a release bundle version distribution to Distribution Edges.
Since: 1.1
Security: Authenticated users only. The user must have distribution permission for the Release Bundle. The Edge nodes will be filtered by the user's permissions.
Usage: PUT /api/v1/distribution/{name}/{version}/abort
Request headers: N/A
Consumes: application/json
cURL Example
$ curl -u user:password -X PUT "http://ARTIFACTORY_SERVER_HOSTNAME:8082/distribution/api/v1/distribution/:name/:version/abort"
Response status codes:
202 - Successfully scheduled distribution interruption. Returns the list of Distribution Edges affected by the stop request.
204 - No Distribution Edge with distribution in progress found
404 - Release bundle or release bundle version not found
Response headers: N/A
Produces: application/json
[ { "name":"US_NY_Art01", "service_id":"jfrt@01cejrg5ack7dd1v3r213a0vx9", "type":"edge" }, { "name":"UK_LN_Art02", "service_id":"jfrt@01cejrfwjtt65d1g9asq8h1cda", "type":"edge" } ]