The Get the Open Metrics for Distribution REST API returns the following metrics in Open Metrics format.
Metric | Description | Prometheus Metric Type |
| The total number of Release Bundles created. | COUNTER |
| The number of Release Bundle versions created per request type (API, UI). | COUNTER |
| The total number of signed Release Bundle versions. | COUNTER |
| The total number of deleted Release Bundle versions. | COUNTER |
| The size (in bytes) of all artifacts in all signed Release Bundle versions. | COUNTER |
| The maximum number of artifacts in a Release Bundle version. | GAUGE |
| The number of artifacts in a Release Bundle version (rounded off into units of 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 50000, and infinite). | HISTOGRAM |
| The number of artifacts in a Release Bundle version per package type. | COUNTER |
| The number of queries used to construct the Release Bundle. | COUNTER |
| The number of queries containing additional properties. | COUNTER |
| The total number of queries that include path mapping (path and repo modifications). | COUNTER |
| The total number of path mappings based on the last successful Release Bundle v2 promotion. | COUNTER |
| The total number of modifications made to the original path during distribution operations. | COUNTER |
| The total number of modifications that have been made to the original repository. | COUNTER |
| The Distribution service version and revision. | GAUGE |
| The current status of the Distribution queues (staging, pending, working). | GAUGE |
| The total number of Release Bundle v1 distribution start actions. | COUNTER |
| The total number of Release Bundle v2 distribution start actions. | COUNTER |
| The total number of Release Bundle v2 distribution start actions performed in the context of a project. | COUNTER |
| The total number of Release Bundle (v1 & v2) distribution start actions per request type (API, UI). | COUNTER |
| The total number of export operations for Release Bundle v2 versions. | COUNTER |
| The total number of Release Bundle v1 distributions per status (completed, failed). | COUNTER |
| The total number of Release Bundle v2 distributions per status (completed, failed). | COUNTER |
| The total number of export operations per status (completed, failed). | COUNTER |
| The number of stuck distribution operations per status (in progress, not started, abort in progress, close tx). | GAUGE |
| The total number of distribution failures due to a non-local repository on the source Artifactory during open Tx. | COUNTER |
| The total number of distribution failures due to missing repositories on the Artifactory Edge node during open Tx. | COUNTER |
| The total number of distribution failures due to a Forbidden error from Artifactory during open Tx. | COUNTER |
| The total number of distribution failures due to SC_BAD_REQUEST errors from Artifactory during close Tx. | COUNTER |
| The total number of distribution failures due to SC_FORBIDDEN errors from Artifactory when deleting a Release Bundle version. | COUNTER |
| The total number of Release Bundle v1 remote delete actions per request type (API, UI). | COUNTER |
| The total number of Release Bundle v2 remote delete actions per request type (API, UI). | COUNTER |
| The total number of Release Bundle v1 distribution/exports approved by Xray. | COUNTER |
| The number of Release Bundle v2 distributions/exports approved by Xray. | COUNTER |
| The total number of distribution failures due to Xray scan results of NOT ALLOWED. There are 3 possible reasons for this failure: blocked, not_indexed, and not_found_in_artifactory. NoteThe not_indexed and not_found_in_artifactory errors are relevant for Release Bundles v2 only. | COUNTER |
| The total number of Release Bundle v1 distribution/exports blocked by Xray. | COUNTER |
| The total number of Release Bundle v2 distribution/exports blocked by Xray. | COUNTER |
| The total number of API requests that were processed per endpoint. | COUNTER |
| The total number of page views for each tab of the Distribution Service Monitoring page. | COUNTER |