Alternatives to JFrog Insight

JFrog Release Information

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Release Notes

JFrog Insight will shortly be deprecated, however you can obtain metrics about the JFrog Platform using alternative methods. To learn more about JFrog Insight deprecation, see Insight End of Life.

You can use APIs, logs, and MyJFrog Portal to monitor the various metrics related to Storage, System, Replication, and Scanned Component metrics based on historical data collected and stored in the JFrog Platform.

Alternatives to Insight

You can use the following alternatives instead of Insight to obtain JFrog Platform metrics.




Storage TrendsStorage Trends

Repository Storage

Cloud and Self-Hosted

Storage TrendsStorage Trends

Garbage Collection


Storage TrendsStorage Trends

Optimization Metrics


System MetricsSystem Metrics

System Metrics


Xray InsightsXray Insights

Scanned Component Metrics

Cloud and Self-Hosted

Incoming HTTP Requests MetricsIncoming HTTP Requests Metrics

Incoming HTTP Request - Duration and Throughput Metrics

Cloud and Self-Hosted

Replication TrendsReplication Trends

Replication - Rate and Errors Metrics

Cloud and Self-Hosted

Remote Repository Requests MetricsRemote Repository Requests Metrics

Remote Repository Request - Duration and Throughput Metrics

Cloud and Self-Hosted

Xray InsightsXray Insights

Xray Database Sync


Xray Performance MetricsPerformance Trends

Database Connection


Xray Performance MetricsPerformance Trends

Go Routines Total


Xray Performance MetricsPerformance Trends

Message Queue Total


Xray Performance MetricsPerformance Trends

Rate of Artifact Downloads


Xray Performance MetricsPerformance Trends

Rate of Artifacts Indexing


Xray Performance MetricsPerformance Trends

Rate of Artifacts Scan


Repository Storage


Insight previously provided Repository Storage trends as below.


Data Source

Repository Storage Metrics data are generated by the Artifactory OpenMetrics infrastructure. JFrog Cloud and Self-Hosted customers can run the Get Storage Summary Info API recurrently to retrieve storage summary data.Get Storage Summary Info

To Obtain Metrics

JFrog Self-Hosted customers can use the Get the Open Metrics for Artifactory API to obtain repository storage metrics or use JFrog Log Analytics.Get the Open Metrics for ArtifactoryLog Analytics

Garbage Collection


Insight previously provided Garbage Collection trends as below.


Data Source

Garbage Metrics data are generated by the Artifactory OpenMetrics infrastructure.

To Obtain Metrics

JFrog Self-Hosted customers can use the jfrt_artifacts_gc and jfrt_artifacts_gc_next_run attributes to obtain garbage collection data from the artifactory-metrics_events.log file.

Optimization Metrics


Insight previously provided Optimization metrics as below.


Data Source

Optimization data is generated by the Artifactory OpenMetrics infrastructure.

To Obtain Metrics

JFrog Self-Hosted customers can use the Get Storage Summary Info API to retrieve optimization data.Get Storage Summary Info

System Metrics


Insight previously provided Artifactory system metrics as below.


Insight also previously provided Xray system metrics as below.


Data Source

System Metrics data are generated by the OpenMetrics infrastructure.

To Obtain Metrics

JFrog Self-Hosted Artifactory customers will be able to use the Get the Open Metrics for Artifactory API to fetch Artifactory system metrics, and the Xray Metrics API to fetch Xray system metrics.Get the Open Metrics for ArtifactoryMETRICS

For more information, see Artifactory Metrics and Xray Metrics.Artifactory MetricsXray Metrics

Scanned Component Metrics


Insight previously provided Artifactory and Xray scanned component throughput trends as below.


Data Source

For Xray, related data is available through Xray OpenMetrics. Data is available in jfxr_data_artifacts_total and jfxr_data_components_total.

To Obtain Metrics

JFrog Cloud can use the Xray Metrics API to obtain the details of scanned components.Xray Metrics

JFrog Self-Hosted customers can use JFrog Log Analytics.Log Analytics

Incoming HTTP Request - Duration and Throughput Metrics


Insight previously provided Artifactory and Xray incoming HTTP request duration trends as below.