Add New Users with Invite (Trial Users only)

JFrog Platform Administration Documentation

Content Type
Administration / Platform

From December 2021, for trial users only, JFrog Platform enables administrators to add new users via an email invite, which enables the new user to create an account using a username and password, or by logging in using Personal OAuth SSO.


To use this feature, the Personal OAuth SSO functionality must be enabled under the Authentication Providers section in the Administration tab. For more information, see Enabling and Disabling Personal OAuth SSO.

  1. In the Add new user window, select the Invite a User tab.

  2. Enter an email address.

  3. Specify the roles that you wish to enable for this user.

  4. Specify which options to apply to the user.

  5. Click Send Invitation to send the invite.

    The Users list is updated with the new user that was invited. The invited user will appear with the email status "Invited".

  6. To resend the invite to the same user, hover on the email icon to the right of the user name and click Resend Invite. Note that if the user tries to use the older token in the first invite, they will not be able to join.


    Only one invitation can be send per a specific email - there is no limit for sending invites to different emails.

  7. Note that if the user that was sent the invite cannot find the email or needs to receive a reminder, you an resend the invite by simply hovering with your mouse over the user in the Users list, and selecting Resend invitation.
