Upgrading JFrog Catalog

JFrog Installation & Setup Documentation

Content Type
Installation & Setup

Docker Compose

  1. Stop the service from the existing package

    cd jfrog-catalog<version>-compose
    docker-compose -p catalog down
  2. Download the new installer package.

  3. Extract the contents of the new compressed archive and go to the extracted folder.

    cd jfrog-catalog-<version>-compose

    Copy the contents of the .env file in the installation to the newly created .env file in this archive without copying the versions, as this will affect the upgrade.

  4. Run the installer script and follow the instructions.


Native (RPM/DEB)

  1. Stop the service from the existing service.

    systemctl stop catalog.service
  2. Download the new installer package.

  3. Extract the contents of the new compressed archive and go to the extracted folder.

    cd jfrog-catalog-<version>-deb/rpm
  4. Run the installer script and follow the instructions.


Linux Archive

  1. Stop catalog (catalog.sh start or systemctl stop catalog.service )

  2. Download the newer tar file and extract it.

  3. Replace the existing $JFROG_HOME/catalog/app with the new app folder.

    # Export variables to simplify commands
    export JFROG_HOME=/opt/jfrog
    export JF_NEW_VERSION=/opt/jfrog/jfrog-catalog-<version>-linux
    # Remove app
    rm -rf $JFROG_HOME/catalog/app
    # Copy new app
    cp -fr $JF_NEW_VERSION/app $JFROG_HOME/xray/
    # Remove extracted new version
    rm -rf $JF_NEW_VERSION
  4. Start Catalog.