Upgrading from Insight Version 1.x to 1.16

JFrog Installation & Setup Documentation

Content Type
Installation & Setup

The following upgrade methods are supported:

  • Interactive Script (Recommended)

  • Manual RPM / Debian

  • Linux Archive

  • Helm


When you upgrade a Insight high availability cluster, ensure that you trigger the upgrade process on all the nodes simultaneously.

Insight Interactive Script Upgrade

This supports all install types, including Docker Compose, RPM, and Debian.

  1. Stop the service.

    systemctl stop insight //For systemd OS
    service insight stop //For systemv OS
    cd jfrog-insight-<version>-compose // For Docker Compose
    docker-compose -p insight down
  2. Extract the contents of the compressed archive and go to the extracted folder.


    Make sure to merge your customizations in your current docker-compose.yaml file to the new extracted version of the docker-compose.yaml file.

    tar -xvf jfrog-insight-<version>-<compose|rpm|deb>.tar.gz
    cd jfrog-insight-<version>-<compose|rpm|deb>


    Copy the contents of the .env file in the previous installation to the newly created .env file in this archive without copying the versions, as this will affect the upgrade.

  3. Run the installer script.


    If needed, the script will prompt you with a series of mandatory inputs, including the jfrogURL (custom base URL) and joinKey.

    ./config.sh //For Docker Compose
    ./install.sh //For RPM and Debian
  4. Start and manage the Insight service.

    systemctl start|stop insight //For systemd OS
    service insight start|stop //For systemv OS
    cd jfrog-insight-<version>-compose //For Docker Compose
    docker-compose -p insight up -d 
    docker-compose -p insight ps 
    docker-compose -p insight down
  5. Access Insight from your browser at: http://<jfrogUrl>/ui/, go to the Dashboard tab in the Application module in the UI.

  6. Check the Insight log.

    tail -f $JFROG_HOME/insight/var/log/console.log