This procedure describes how to verify the signature and contents of a Release Bundle v2. Use this procedure if you want to verify independently that:
The Release Bundle manifest has not been tampered with en route to its current location (for example, a deployment server)
The artifacts contained in the Release Bundle have not been tampered with en route
The basic steps are outlined in the following table.
# | Action | Command |
1 | Get the Release Bundle manifest file | Use the Get Release Bundle v2 Version Signature API:
Sample result: { "payload": "eyJfdHlwZSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vaW4tdG90by5pby9TdGF0ZW1lbnQvdjEiLCJzdWJqZWN0IjpbeyJ1...", "payloadType": "application/", "signatures": [ { "keyid": "PGP-RSA-2048", "sig": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQR1AgU0lHTkFUVVJFLS0tLS0KVmVyc2lvbjogQkNQRyB2QFJFTEVBU0..." } ] } |
2 | Get the public key from Artifactory using the | Use the Get Key Pair API:
Sample result: { "pairName": "PGP-RSA-2048", "pairType": "GPG", "alias": "pgp-rsa-2048", "publicKey": "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- \n\nmI0EZJA1TAEEAOjFw17MiG608NR60PZ/zpX7GoOjJr2/CNUQwytQXC3BPWMkuVTx\nxajKZj6... -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----", "unavailable": false } |
3 | Verify the DSSE signature in the manifest file | Following is a sample Bash script for performing signature verification: # -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- # Construct a PAE (Pre-Authentication Encoding) according to the DSSE protocol. # Use the payload type from in-toto Attestation Framework. Save it as a new file. # function build_pre_auth_encoding() { payload=$(cat "evidence.json" | jq '.payload' -r | base64 -d) payload_length=${#payload} payload_type=$(cat "evidence.json" | jq '.payloadType' -r) payload_type_length=${#payload_type} echo -n "DSSEv1 $payload_type_length $payload_type $payload_length $payload" > "tmp/pae.txt" } # -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- # Verify a digital signature (RSA-2048 + SHA-256GPG) for PAE. # function verify_digital_signature() { signature=$(cat "evidence.json" | jq '.signatures[0].sig' -r | base64 -d) echo "$signature" >> "tmp/signature.txt" gpg --import key/public.key gpg --verify tmp/signature.txt tmp/pae.txt # [when using RSA keys, see note below] } # == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == # WORKFLOW: build_pre_auth_encoding verify_digital_signature NoteWhen using RSA keys without GPG, replace these commands:
with the following command:
4 | Verify the artifacts in the Release Bundle | Following is a sample command for getting the list of artifacts from the manifest and comparing each artifact to its sha256 digest:
[ { "uri": "artifacts/docker/commons/1.0.0/manifest.json", "digest": { "sha256": "c32c8946f9fce70a153a06b99636f8269fa869825fe0ce5de7efd8b7" } }, { "uri": "artifacts/docker/commons/1.0.0/sha256__9270ca3b7b122596e6871820724eb9fd16bd", "digest": { "sha256": "9270ca2a0ad3396353d2fe727b12143ac562596e6871820724eb9fd16bd" } }, { "uri": "artifacts/generic/commons-1.0.0.txt", "digest": { "sha256": "f87e4c72e60300b451739d545afc0251a6e2f4bd1b1902ba739455897ecb8" } } ] TipUse the sha256sum util to calculate the actual sha256 of the files in the Release Bundle. For example: >sha256sum commons-1.0.0.txt f87e4c72e60300b451739d545afc0251a6e2f4bd1b1902ba739455897ecb8 commons-1.0.0.txt You can then compare this calculated value with the value defined in the Release Bundle manifest. |