Install Ansible Collections using ansible.cfg File

JFrog Artifactory Documentation

JFrog Artifactory
Content Type
User Guide

This section describes the steps to install Ansible collection using ansible.cfg file via Ansible client CLI.

To locate install collections code snippet based on your repository selection, follow these steps:

  1. Click Application tab, and then click Artifacts under Artifactory.

  2. Locate the repository you want to configure, and then click Set Me Up.



    Alternatively, you can also choose the repository from the Repository drop-down list under Set UP An Ansible Client modal.

  3. Enter your JFrog account password to generate a token, and then click Generate Token & Create Instructions.

  4. Click the Install tab, copy and paste the Server in ansible.cfg file snippet of Collections to your ansible client.



    You must configure ansible.cfg file in your workspace to use Server in ansible.cfg file approach. To learn how to configure, refer to the Configure Ansible Client to Work with Collections using ansible.cfg File section.

  5. Replace the placeholder <NAMESPACE.COLLECTION_NAME> as appropriate, and then run the command.

The sample snippet structure is as follows:


Make sure to replace the placeholders in bold with the namespace and collection name.

ansible-galaxy collection install <NAMESPACE.COLLECTION_NAME>.tar.gz

For example:

ansible-galaxy collection install geerlingguy.k8s.tar.gz