Xray used to support Snyk vulnerability data, but this partnership ended a while ago. Due to this, the MongoDB to Postgres migration does not account for one of the vulnerability items that is in the Mongo database. A URL is longer than 64 characters, resulting in an error:
2020-04-11T12:49:24.165Z ^[[33m[jfxps]^[[0m ^[[1m^[[31m[ERROR]^[[0m [ ] [lock:97 ] [main ] Could not start running: Migration for mongodb has failed: mongodb migrations output:
> 0061_xray.up.mgo
> 1000_xray.up.mgo
ERROR: Method V1000_MigrateMongoCollectionsToPostgres_Up returned an error: Failed on migrating vulnerabilities: Failed to run bulk upload command \copy public_vulnerabilities_sources FROM '/opt/jfrog/xray/var/data/server/db_migrations/mgo2pg/public_vulnerabilities_sources.csv' WITH NULL AS E'\'\'' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;: Error: exit status 1
StdErr: ERROR: value too long for type character varying(64)
CONTEXT: COPY public_vulnerabilities_sources, line 49866, column source_id: "SNYK-DOTNET-MICROSOFTASPNETCORESERVERKESTRELTRANSPORTABSTRACTIONS-60242"