If the replication information used in the above steps is incorrect, the Source Artifactory will end up with a lot of bad replication settings. The fastest way to restore the application is to remove the replication settings from the Config Descriptor.
The recommended method is to use the REST API to redeploy the "artifactory.config.xml" you have saved in the empty System Export captured at the start of this process.
The file to use is located in the export folder, for example 20211215.195625/artifactory.config.xml.
The recommended method is to use the REST API to redeploy the "artifactory.config.xml" you have saved in the empty System Export captured at the start of this process.
The file to use is located in the export folder, for example 20211215.195625/artifactory.config.xml.
curl -u admin -X POST -H "Content-type:application/xml" --data-binary @artifactory.config.xml http://localhost:8081/artifactory/api/system/configuration