In order to create an Access token through the UI, follow these steps:
1. Log in to JFrog Artifactory as an administrator
2. Click on your username in the upper right corner and select "Security"
3. Under "User Management," select "Access Tokens"
4. Click the "Generate Token" button
2. Click on your username in the upper right corner and select "Security"
3. Under "User Management," select "Access Tokens"
4. Click the "Generate Token" button
- Fill out the following fields:
- Token scope: Admin (token with admin permission) / User (token with permission of a specific user)
- Description: brief description of the token's purpose
- Expires time: date on which the token will expire
- Service: Choose which product the token should have access to (Artifactory, xray, etc.)
- Create Reference Token: 64-character string that can be used as a bearer token, password, or with the "X-JFrog-Art-Api" header
5. Click the "Generate" button to generate the token
6. The generated token will be displayed in the list of access tokens, including the token ID, full token, and reference token - you can refer to the image below:
6. The generated token will be displayed in the list of access tokens, including the token ID, full token, and reference token - you can refer to the image below:
- This displays the Generate Token window, which includes the username, scope, audience, expiration, token ID, the full token and the Reference token.
- To copy either full token or the Reference token, use the copy icon next to the token.