JFrog Distribution

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Administration / Platform

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This feature is supported with the Enterprise+ license.

JFrog Distribution is a centralized platform that lets you provision software release distribution. It is a core part of JFrog Enterprise+, managing Release Bundles and their distribution processes, including release content, permission levels, and target destinations.Distribute Release Bundles (v1)Permissions

Distribution provides a secure and structured platform to distribute release binaries to multiple remote locations and update them as new release versions are produced. As part of the release flow, Release Bundles are verified by the target destination to ensure that they are signed correctly and safe to use.

JFrog Distribution securely manages the distribution of your software releases offering the following benefits:

  • A structured platform to distribute release binaries as a single coherent release bundle.

  • Support for Hybrid Deployment ,allowing you to distribute your Release Bundles from the JFrog Platform on the Cloud to multiple Cloud and Self-hosted Edge nodes within the same organization, and from JFrog Self-Hosted to additional JFrog Artifactory instances in the cloud.Hybrid Deployment

    • Hybrid Distribution to Artifactory Edge allows JFrog Cloud customers to distribute Release Bundles to both cloud and self-hosted Artifactory Edge locations within the same organization. External distribution via hybrid edge nodes requires purchasing 1 Artifactory Edge node per one 3rd party.

  • Secure delivery and distribution through signed release bundles.

  • Auditing and traceability by tracking all changes associated with a release bundle.Logging

  • Secure and protected Release BundlesDistribute Release Bundles (v1): JFrog Xray supports indexing and scanning of Release Bundles as well as defining Watches and Policies on Release Bundles. You can apply a policy on a Watch containing a Block Release Bundle Distribution action to prevent distributing a Release Bundle to edge nodes if it meets a security or License policy defined in JFrog Xray (see Xray Scanning of Release Bundles (v1)).Xray Scanning of Release Bundles (v1)

    To scan your Release Bundle by JFrog Xray, the Release Bundle must first be declared as an indexed resource. For more information, see Indexing ResourcesIndexing Xray Resources.Configuring Xray

  • Comprehensive REST APIs to support the Distribution processIntroduction to the Distribution REST APIs

  • Edge-based Software Distribution

  • Third-Party Access (Read-Only):

    • Cloud instances are licensed to support multiple third-party customers per Edge. Artifactory Edge is restricted to distributing customer content only.

    • Access to Artifactory Edge is limited to read-only access for third parties and restricted to distributing customer content only, with the requirement of a single edge per 3rd party for self-hosted instances.


JFrog Distribution requires installation on a dedicated server. For more information, see Installing Distribution.Installing Distribution