1. Add the Jfrog helm repository:
Values.yaml file for Artifactory HA:
3. Install Artifactory using the below command:
4. Download the Splunk Application from the Splunk base or you may use the splunk.yaml file mentioned on our GitHub page.
5. Execute the below command to install splunk from the specified splunk.yaml:
6. The default Splunk user name and password will be admin and password1 respectively.
7. Login to the Splunk server. Now, we need to create the indexes jfrog_splunk and jfrog_splunk_metrics by following the below steps.
8. Navigate to Settings-> Data inputs-> HTTP Event Collector. Before creating the HEC token , kindly edit the global setting by selecting "Default Source Type” as generic_single_line and save it.

9. Now create an HEC token to receive Logs, click on the new token button. Give a name to the token and click next, then select the jfrog_splunk index and click on review and submit.

10. Create another HEC token to receive Metrics. Once again, click on the new token, enter a name for the token, and select jfrog_splunk_metrics as index. Then click on the review button and submit.

Note: The source type should be generic_single_line for both tokens.
11. Create a .env_jfrog file with the below content:
12. Execute the below command:
13. Now perform a helm upgrade using the below command:
14. After performing the helm upgrade, the Artifactory metrics will be visible in the Splunk UI.

helm repo add jfrog https://charts.jfrog.io helm repo update2. Install Artifactory using the values.yaml file mentioned here, it will also spin up the fluentd side-car container.
Values.yaml file for Artifactory HA:
installerInfo: '{ "productId": "OnPremObservability-Splunk/1.0.0", "features": [ { "featureId": "ArtifactoryVersion/{{ default .Chart.AppVersion .Values.artifactory.image.version }}" }, { "featureId": "{{ if .Values.postgresql.enabled }}postgresql{{ else }}{{ .Values.database.type }}{{ end }}/0.0.0" }, { "featureId": "Platform/{{ default "kubernetes" .Values.installer.platform }}" }, { "featureId": "Channel/OnPremObservability-Splunk-Helm" } ] }' artifactory: masterKey: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF joinKey: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE customInitContainersBegin: | - name: "prepare-fluentd-conf-on-persistent-volume" image: "{{ .Values.initContainerImage }}" imagePullPolicy: "{{ .Values.artifactory.image.pullPolicy }}" command: - 'sh' - '-c' - > mkdir -p {{ .Values.artifactory.persistence.mountPath }}/etc/fluentd/; curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jfrog/log-analytics-splunk/master/fluent.conf.rt -o {{ .Values.artifactory.persistence.mountPath }}/etc/fluentd/fluentd.conf volumeMounts: - mountPath: "{{ .Values.artifactory.persistence.mountPath }}" name: volume customSidecarContainers: | - name: "artifactory-fluentd-sidecar" image: "releases-pts-observability-fluentd.jfrog.io/fluentd:2.0" imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent" volumeMounts: - mountPath: "{{ .Values.artifactory.persistence.mountPath }}" name: volume env: - name: JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL value: {{ .Values.artifactory.persistence.mountPath }} - name: JPD_URL value: {{ .Values.jfrog.observability.jpd_url }} - name: JPD_ADMIN_USERNAME value: {{ .Values.jfrog.observability.username }} - name: JFROG_ADMIN_TOKEN value: {{ .Values.jfrog.observability.access_token }} - name: COMMON_JPD value: {{ .Values.jfrog.observability.common_jpd | quote }} - name: SPLUNK_COM_PROTOCOL value: {{ .Values.splunk.com_protocol }} - name: SPLUNK_HEC_HOST value: {{ .Values.splunk.host }} - name: SPLUNK_HEC_PORT value: {{ .Values.splunk.port | quote}} - name: SPLUNK_METRICS_HEC_TOKEN value: {{ .Values.splunk.metrics_token }} - name: SPLUNK_HEC_TOKEN value: {{ .Values.splunk.logs_token }} - name: SPLUNK_INSECURE_SSL value: {{ .Values.splunk.insecure_ssl | quote}} - name: FLUENTD_CONF value: ../../../../{{ .Values.artifactory.persistence.mountPath }}/etc/fluentd/fluentd.conf splitServicesToContainers: false splunk: host: SPLUNK_HEC_HOST port: SPLUNK_HEC_PORT logs_token: SPLUNK_HEC_TOKEN metrics_token: SPLUNK_METRICS_HEC_TOKEN com_protocol: SPLUNK_COM_PROTOCOL insecure_ssl: SPLUNK_INSECURE_SSL jfrog: observability: jpd_url: JPD_URL username: JPD_ADMIN_USERNAME access_token: JFROG_ADMIN_TOKEN common_jpd: COMMON_JPD postgresql: postgresqlPassword: Password@123 databaseUpgradeReady: true unifiedUpgradeAllowed: true nginx: enabled: true
3. Install Artifactory using the below command:
helm upgrade --install artifactory-ha -- namespace artifactory-ha jfrog-charts/artifactory-ha -f artifactory-values.yaml
4. Download the Splunk Application from the Splunk base or you may use the splunk.yaml file mentioned on our GitHub page.
Splunk.yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: labels: app: splunk name: splunk #namespace: default spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: splunk template: metadata: labels: app: splunk spec: containers: - image: splunk/splunk:latest imagePullPolicy: "Always" name: splunk env: - name: SPLUNK_START_ARGS value: "--accept-license" - name: SPLUNK_PASSWORD value: "password1" ports: - containerPort: 8000 - containerPort: 8088 - containerPort: 8089 --- kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: splunk labels: app: splunk spec: selector: app: splunk ports: - name: web protocol: TCP port: 8000 targetPort: 8000 - name: hec protocol: TCP port: 8088 targetPort: 8088 - name: api protocol: TCP port: 8089 targetPort: 8089 type: ClusterIP --- kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: splunk-lb labels: app: splunk spec: selector: app: splunk ports: - name: http protocol: TCP port: 80 targetPort: 8000 - name: hec protocol: TCP port: 8088 targetPort: 8088 - name: api protocol: TCP port: 8089 targetPort: 8089 type: LoadBalancer
5. Execute the below command to install splunk from the specified splunk.yaml:
kubectl apply -f k8s/splunk.yaml
6. The default Splunk user name and password will be admin and password1 respectively.
7. Login to the Splunk server. Now, we need to create the indexes jfrog_splunk and jfrog_splunk_metrics by following the below steps.
a. Create index jfrog_splunk
i. Navigate to the Splunk console as Administrator, Click on "Settings" in the drop-down, and select "Indexes".
ii. Now create a new index by clicking on "New Index", enter the Index name as jfrog_splunk, and save it.
ii. Now create a new index by clicking on "New Index", enter the Index name as jfrog_splunk, and save it.
b. Create index jfrog_splunk_metrics
i. Again create a new index by clicking on "New Index", enter the Index name as Jfrog_splunk_metrics, but this time while creating a new index we have to select Index Data Type as Metrics.
ii. Click on save.
8. Navigate to Settings-> Data inputs-> HTTP Event Collector. Before creating the HEC token , kindly edit the global setting by selecting "Default Source Type” as generic_single_line and save it.
9. Now create an HEC token to receive Logs, click on the new token button. Give a name to the token and click next, then select the jfrog_splunk index and click on review and submit.
10. Create another HEC token to receive Metrics. Once again, click on the new token, enter a name for the token, and select jfrog_splunk_metrics as index. Then click on the review button and submit.
Note: The source type should be generic_single_line for both tokens.
11. Create a .env_jfrog file with the below content:
export SPLUNK_COM_PROTOCOL=http/https export SPLUNK_HEC_HOST=<splunk_ip> export SPLUNK_HEC_PORT=8088 export SPLUNK_HEC_TOKEN=<token generated for splunk_jfrog index> export SPLUNK_METRICS_HEC_TOKEN=<token generated for splunk_jfrog_metrics index> export SPLUNK_INSECURE_SSL=false/true export JPD_URL=http://<artifactory_ip> export JPD_ADMIN_USERNAME= <username> export JFROG_ADMIN_TOKEN= <artifactory_token> export COMMON_JPD=false
12. Execute the below command:
source .env_jfrog
13. Now perform a helm upgrade using the below command:
helm upgrade --install artifactory-ha jfrog/artifactory-ha \ --set artifactory.masterKey=FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF \ --set artifactory.joinKey=EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE \ --set splunk.host=$SPLUNK_HEC_HOST \ --set splunk.port=$SPLUNK_HEC_PORT \ --set splunk.logs_token=$SPLUNK_HEC_TOKEN \ --set splunk.metrics_token=$SPLUNK_METRICS_HEC_TOKEN \ --set splunk.com_protocol=$SPLUNK_COM_PROTOCOL \ --set splunk.insecure_ssl=$SPLUNK_INSECURE_SSL \ --set jfrog.observability.jpd_url=$JPD_URL \ --set jfrog.observability.username=$JPD_ADMIN_USERNAME \ --set jfrog.observability.access_token=$JFROG_ADMIN_TOKEN \ --set jfrog.observability.common_jpd=$COMMON_JPD \ -f helm/artifactory-ha-values.yaml
14. After performing the helm upgrade, the Artifactory metrics will be visible in the Splunk UI.