After completion of Artifactory migration, while accessing the remote repository, the UI may throw ‘500’ error code. The application will be returning the following error in the logs:
1. Get all the repo names:
2. For each of the affected repos, get the configuration:
3. Save config to a file, update the password variable to plain text password (can be temp and then
update later through UI once this encryption issue is fixed)
Replace the below section with a plain text password:
For example:

4. Update config with new plaintext/temp password:
After completion of Artifactory migration, while accessing the remote repository, the UI may throw ‘500’ error code. The application will be returning the following error in the logs:
2024-03-27T09:01:45.301Z [1;32m[jfrt ][0;39m [1;31m[ERROR][0;39m [7194610e11439b40] [r.s.RepositoryServiceImpl:3795] [art-init ] - Failed to initialize remote repository test-remote-repo'. Repository will be blacked-out! javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Given final block not properly padded. Such issues can arise if a bad key is used during decryption. at at
1. Get all the repo names:
curl -u admin <URL>/artifactory/api/repositories
2. For each of the affected repos, get the configuration:
curl -u admin <URL>/artifactory/api/repositories/<repo-name> -o config.file
3. Save config to a file, update the password variable to plain text password (can be temp and then
update later through UI once this encryption issue is fixed)
Replace the below section with a plain text password:
"password" : "JE2gqbrFJtDZ3UoUcyT64FrYq8J2H9tt5Qh3okQzgtytvyuifs"
For example:
4. Update config with new plaintext/temp password:
curl -u admin -XPOST <URL>/artifactory/api/repositories/icvs-remote -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @config.file