To overcome this issue, you need to create a new secret type, “”, which is generated using the new Docker config file saved in ~/.docker/config.json (Docker 1.7.0 and above).
NAME TYPE DATA AGE dockerconfigjson 1 4sNow, you can use this secret to create a pod and pull images from Artifactory successfully.
apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: my-private-pod spec: containers: - name: private image: <ARTIFACTORY>/docker/busybox:latest imagePullSecrets: - name: dockerconfigjson
Normal Pulled 4s kubelet Successfully pulled image "artifactory/docker/busybox:latest" in 9.760532921s Normal Pulling 3s (x2 over 14s) kubelet Pulling image "artifactory/docker/busybox:latest" Normal Created 1s (x2 over 4s) kubelet Created container private Normal Pulled 1s kubelet Successfully pulled image "artifactory/docker/busybox:latest" in 2.496841418s
For an advanced EKS environment setup, you can utilize the new passwordless feature described in our blog post.