1. Create a remote RPM repository 'rpmsource' with the required upstream URL, say, "https://vault.centos.org/6.10/”
2. Create a local RPM repository "rpmbackup-local" for backing up the packages.
3. Add the remoteBackup plugin configuration files to the Artifactory plugins folder “$JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/etc/artifactory/plugins”.
4. Configure remoteBackup.json file with the source remote cache repository and local repository to be copied.
2. Create a local RPM repository "rpmbackup-local" for backing up the packages.
3. Add the remoteBackup plugin configuration files to the Artifactory plugins folder “$JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/etc/artifactory/plugins”.
4. Configure remoteBackup.json file with the source remote cache repository and local repository to be copied.
File: remoteBackup.groovy (no change needed)
File: remoteBackup.json { "rpmsource-cache": "rpmbackup-local" }
5. Run below command to load the plugin
curl -XPOST http://admin:<encoded_password>@ARTIFACTORY_HOST/artifactory/api/plugins/reload
6. Find the paths to the Packages in the source repository and then pull the packages. This will be cached to the respective cache folder of the Remote repository, here, rpmsource-cache.
7. Cached packages will be automatically copied to the local repository, here ‘rpmbackup-local’.
8. As an alternative, you can also copy the folders under rpmsource-cache to a local RPM repository manually from UI and that will also create a backup for the packages.
7. Cached packages will be automatically copied to the local repository, here ‘rpmbackup-local’.
8. As an alternative, you can also copy the folders under rpmsource-cache to a local RPM repository manually from UI and that will also create a backup for the packages.