If you wish to deprecate LDAP as a login realm, you have the option to migrate your LDAP users to internal users.
The steps you may take to migrate your LDAP users to internal users are as follows:
1. With an admin user in the UI thought Administrator> Identity and access> Users> click on the relevant user and unchecked "Disable Internal Password" for the ldap user, checked "Can Update Profile", and set an internal password in the field below like a screenshot below:

2. To Export Access Configuration using the REST API, you need to use an access token with admin privileges. It is mandatory to include the access token when making this API call:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <Token>" -XPOST "http://localhost:8082/access/api/v1/system/backup/export"
This will create a JSON file containing the Access configuration at $JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/backup/access
**Please make sure to backup the unmodified version of the access.json file after running the export, in case you want to reuse your old access.json later.
**Please make sure to backup the unmodified version of the access.json file after running the export, in case you want to reuse your old access.json later.
3. Modify the property in the "realm" flag from “LDAP” to "internal" and rename the file “access.bootstrap.json”, and move the previously modified file through $JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/etc/access/
4. Execute the following REST API to Import Access Configuration with an access token:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <Token>" -XPOST "http://localhost:8082/access/api/v1/system/backup/import"
This will imports an Access configuration JSON file: $JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/etc/access/access.bootstrap.json
5. Finally, restart your Artifactory instance so that the changes can take effect and the user can become an internal user.
You can check in the UI whether the user has transitioned from LDAP to Internal status.