In your Artifactory UI, login as your "admin" user and navigate in the "Admin" tab to the "SAML Integration" section and perform the following steps:
- Check the "Enable SAML Integration checkbox.
- In the "SAML Login URL" textbox fill in: "https://{ADFS_SERVER_URL}/adfs/ls/IdpInitiatedSignOn.aspx"
- In the "SAML Logout URL" textbox fill in: "https://{ADFS_SERVER_URL}/adfs/ls?logout"
- In the "SAML Service Provider Name" textbox fill in: "https://{PLATFORM_URL}"
- In the "SAML Certificate" textbox, paste in your x509 SAML certificate that was generated by your ADFS server (See screenshot below)
AD FS -> Service - Certificates -> Select token-signing certificate -> view certificate -> Details -> Copy to file -> export file format as base64 encoded cer.
6. Click "Save" (group attribute can be set if using Artifactory >5.3.0 see below for more instructions).
7. Navigate to the "General" section (left tree browser) and in the "Custom URL Base" textbox fill in: "https://{PLATFORM_URL}" and click "Save".
8. Logout of Artifactory UI and then try to log in using "SSO Login".