Some users may encounter issues when trying to copy an artifact from a remote repo to a local repo using the Copy Item REST API:
For example:
Artifactory stores artifacts retrieved from a remote repository in a local cache, which will be ended by ’-cache’ (i.e. <remote-repo-name>-cache). Therefore, the REST API for copying items will be supported by local & remote-cache repositories.
To overcome this issue, users can perform the same REST API call against the <remote-repo-name>-cache repo instead of the remote repo.
For example:
In case the file doesn't exist in remote-cache, means Artifactory doesn't have its content to process the copy request, user can download the artifact or use the Artifact Sync REST API to get pre-populate the repo cache before doing the copy.
Some users may encounter issues when trying to copy an artifact from a remote repo to a local repo using the Copy Item REST API:
POST /api/copy/{srcRepoKey}/{srcFilePath}?to=/{targetRepoKey}/{targetFilePath}[&dry=1][&suppressLayouts=0/1(default)][&failFast=0/1]
For example:
curl –uadmin -XPOST http://localhost:8081/artifactory/api/copy/test-maven-remote/accent/accent/0.1.1/accent-0.1.1.jar?to=/test-repo/test-copy-2
{ "messages" : [ { "level" : "ERROR", "message" : "Failed to copy from src=test-maven-remote/accent/accent/0.1.1/accent-0.1.1.jar to target=/test-repo/test-copy-2: Attempt to lock 'test-maven-remote:accent/accent/0.1.1/accent-0.1.1.jar' with repository 'test-maven-remote-cache" } ] }
Artifactory stores artifacts retrieved from a remote repository in a local cache, which will be ended by ’-cache’ (i.e. <remote-repo-name>-cache). Therefore, the REST API for copying items will be supported by local & remote-cache repositories.
To overcome this issue, users can perform the same REST API call against the <remote-repo-name>-cache repo instead of the remote repo.
For example:
curl -uadmin -XPOST http://localhost:8081/artifactory/api/copy/test-maven-remote-cache/ccent/accent/0.1.1/accent-0.1.1.jar?to=/test-repo/test-copy-2wow
{ "messages" : [ { "level" : "INFO", "message" : "copying test-maven-remote-cache:accent/accent/0.1.1/accent-0.1.1.jar to test-repo:test-copy-2 completed successfully, 1 artifacts and 0 folders were copied" } ] }
In case the file doesn't exist in remote-cache, means Artifactory doesn't have its content to process the copy request, user can download the artifact or use the Artifact Sync REST API to get pre-populate the repo cache before doing the copy.